Boy's Cinema (1939-40)

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20 • Now stalled a des)ienitc fight for the I'C- volvev. Fiist one, thou the other, triod to fjntb it iinti) Biuii.s. seeing the impossibihty of jjelting ft liimself. sent it diitterinp into a .<')iner vith a well-aimed kick. But by now, the detoctivo, no match in weight for a stocky jtianual worker like Dave, was rapidly weaken- ing. Soon, sitting ajlrido tJie prostrate Burns, Dave, with a couple of well-placed blows, knocked tno unfortunate man corii- jJotely out. Stopping only to retrieve his camera, ho picked up the i)iping and renewed his desperate attack on the ivindow. Having smashed the glass and removed the jagged sharp edges, Dave iJung his leg over and prepared to jump. With a sob of rejief he saw the car and the three .spies waiting for him—n quick get-away! Swiftly ho was to be disillusioned. A gun appeared as if by magic in Walter's hand as lie covered the astonished Dave. "Come on, liand over that camera and bo quick about ill"' he rasped. -- 'iWliat is this?" ^Msped Dave. "Wait a minuto! You've got to get me out of this j>!aro." ' • • Walter looked over his -ihoidder as ho climbed into the cai whcie llie little jAoto- grapher had in bis turn covered Davo ^\illl 'another gun. 'vYou stas" where you are!" he grinned evilly. "Yon car; all stay wlieic you are!" came C'armjchacrs harsh voice. Like a snake. Waller juiujied back on the BOY'S CINEMA pavement and sent a sl-.ot crashing in the direction of Carmichael's voict;. A perfect fusillade answered him from behind the parked cars. With a muffled (hoke, Ihe apy teetered on his heels and then fell tlat on hia face and hiy still. With the death of Walter, all the fire went from Executive E and Operator 15. Frozen into immobilitj- they remained in the car as the detectives, guns ready, advanced on them. Dave, utterly bewildered by the rapidity of events, watched the slow, remorseless approach of the law with jaws agape. Swiftly the spies were disarmed and hand- cuffed, then Caimichael turned to Dave. "You, too. Miller." E\eiyonc agreed that Dave ^Miller ought to have known better when he was at last brought to trial. And in his hearty Dave agreed, too. He could say nothing in his defence. When he.was asked if he had anything to say, his muttered "I onl.y look a few snai)gliots. If I hadn't dope it. somebody else wouUI have done. You can't make a spy out of ine for tli,at " deceived no one—not even himself. • He had put sordid gain above his duly to liis ci>uutry, he had jeopardised the future security of his fellow-countr^lnell. and he had realised, in the bitterness of defeat, that criuie does not pay. (By permission of Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, based on ■While America Sleeps," which is a "Crime Does Not Pay ' feature.) Every Tuesday ASK FOR BOOKS THIS CHRISTMAS^ CHAPS! Books are Ideal sifts at any time ; now with blackouts kcipln^ boys Indoors tUey arc more welconio than ever. To help you choose snmc of the best of the woiKlcrfiil raugo of boolis available this year, here are four suggestions : The CHAMPIOX AXXrAL (C-) Is for boys of rlov en to sixteen, and it contains a lino budget of thrllltiig and nmuslng_ stories, as well as grand articles on eiiglm.crlng, sport and a host of olhi.r thlng-s. Lavish Illustrations appear throughout. All the marvels of the age—the latest aeroplanes, ships, racing cars and locomotives—crowd the pages of MODERN' BOY'.S AXNtAL (0 -). It Is a breath- taking pageant of scientific achievement. There arc articles by experts, drawings and diagrams, and powerful fiction to " round off " .t perfect gift book. The clanging of the ai)proachlns firo engine thrllla every boy ; now conies a book to explain what hapi>ens when the alarm Is pulled, and how llres aic fought all over the world. The MODERN BOVS BOOK 01' llUE i'lGHTERS Is vividly lUustrated with amazing action i)hotogr«ph8 of famous tires, and four' colour plates. Excellent value for 5;'-! For manv years the POPILAR BOOK OF BOY'S STORIES (2 0) has been a favourite with boys who appreciate the best In fiction. Ucre are stories to please all testes, amusing and breathtaking, school, sport and adventure talcs by star authors who never fall to grip readers. There Is excitement or laughter on each of Its 100 pages, and Illustrations appear throughout. BOYS! SPECIAL WARTIME XMAS NEWS! HAPPY XMAS!! CLOTH, 10/ THE EVACUy>TED OE AT HOME, bo li.ippy. EWJOY ALI, EXCITEMENT OF REAL FOOTBALL uilli llio f.l)noin " NEWFOOTY " UAHE Tll.iilt.lii.l.^ M))il ilulnii; |ja.,.i 10 Vi :ir3. PLAYED LIKE REAL FOOTBALL ON ANY TABLECLOTH. Men fullolv b.'ill in |>by. ALL REAL THRILLS—luiil.< od.-^iilo. ti.ii.ilUe.i, coniM- kuks. (U\ ACTUAL FOOTBALL RULES ADAPTED. Hmnii. .1, of l( sliiiinnial., l;.,v^ .lilJ nar, uts wrif -■• WONDTIRFUL." "THRILLING." "JUST LIKE REAL FOOTBALL." I'l.iv. .1 Ilin.ULliMiit BRITISH ISLrS ANn ABROAD. GUARANTEED NEAREST APPROACH TO ACTUAL FOOTBALL EVER INVENTED OR MONEY REFUNDED. 22 SPECIAL MEN. BALL and GOALS. P) i. . .< 2 -. <r DE LUXE SETS 3 11 .md 6'-. SUPER SETS. WITH CLOTHS SEPARATELY. 5' X 3 . uwrki d out. 3'6. or Pliiiii 3 -. PLUS 4a. POSTAGE AND PACKING ON ALL ORDERS. 1 lom <c NEWFOOTY" CO., 38, BARLOW'S LANE, FAZAKERLEY, LIVERPOOL, 9. ORDERS SENT DIRECT TO EVACUEES IF REOUESTED. IDEAL XMAS GIFT. BILLIARDS & TABLE TENNIS (Direct from the factory) WRITE FOR ART ILLUSTRATED LIST GEORG E GROSE, LTD.,J.UDGATE CIRCUS, LONDON. 85 PACKET^FREE-iud. 25 J 1 irl^ll ( K MI VN i;OE. Pliilipi'itioi.Triiudaii, Aiiiiiai' \\/Ve SOdia Uoi ^ )iian, St. Fion-e Mniud'tii. Kuol 2il pc t i^c i <iu< st !il)l<roval.'i.—Robiuson Bros. (A) Moreton Wirral AGENTS WANTED FOR G.U.S. FAMOUS SHILLING CLUBS. Big Commission and Bonuses I Easy spare-time work ! 472-page Catalogue of 3,000 Bargains. Send for complete Outfit, value 7,6, FREE, from Great Universal Stores, Devonshire Street, Aidwick, Manchester All iipplicitious for AdvertlBcment Space In this publicattoD should be dilUressLd to the Advertisement Mjind^jtr BOY s CINEMA The ripetw^v House Farrincdon St London E C i Rl HQHIMn —FREE to .Til .■sulfcrers, particulars Dkuaninu ol" a iirgvcd home treatment that fiiiickly rmioves all cmbarra>biiient nnd pciinancntly cure:, blushins and ttiishin;; of the face and nick. Eii- closc stamii to Mr. A. TEMPLE, Specialist. Commerce House, 72, OxSord Street, London, W.l. K^t. ."6 \iars. BE SURE TO MENTION "BOY'S CINEMA" WHEN COMMUNICATING WITH ADVERTISER!! I'rintcd in KiiRland and published every Tuesday by the Proprietors, Thi: AMATflAMATi:D I'ltEss, f,TL>., The Fleet way House, I'arringdon Street, London. E.l'.l. Advertisenieut Olliees; The Kleetway noii=e, rarrinjiilon Street, I.oiidon. ]';.C.4. Subsi-ription Kates: Inland and Aluoad: 11/- per annum; 5/6 for six inonth;*. Sole Agents for Australia anr" Aew Zealand; Messrs. Gordon & Uot<;l), Ltd., .^iid for Kouth Africa:.Contra! News Agcac^-. L<.<1, J<ealstcreil for tiarw- IJeecniber ttlh, VJlid. mlr^ioii to Canada at Magazine T.atei. .S.L.