Boy's Cinema (1939-40)

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u ^HaOct if be eier lui^^-r^ me! !>>»»& Trri* Tin dcfir. -Kbere the heart of this -bed ber aang, and > ' -e ideotitx of soBoe r T bo had oae of the 1-. - - ^*v were the tap- tj- . : -„-e T^ '.:. --.^ sjoae at his officets. T» was at diat Exmnsat iallriwg ^uajdetflr to €^ oJd skipper. "»":••_ tion'r hare to worry, captain. I was tj'fciTii; TO -ha- Dcrty, and the Falcon will sail /■d man gnunUed. **I - jiiay <|iuck eoongfa!" "•.- TOG dhoukhi't talk like that, captain. Yc-jvi- 5»os to be careful. This enTcrnment s-j;iftor(5 a man with a bi? axe. Be^de&. it's v-F-^^'. r^-^ frr ^--eoT-^ like us. There's lots dirty for me," the cap- -:." TJo shrogged. "it does ■ ■- -r^'. I'm oat here to eet e beiiis I'm suing v^ she«." _ jiind roo!n to hare an STumed, Tb«T dbook hands. V fcid." -^. -. 1 wiA I knew whr:" " ir. -iffl any reasots out in this ;-Lj;ii-r i Tr £T»trn 'em to knock off guys -' t«e<^u5e they tfidn't like the way their hats E 'eifj." S^eve grinned, acd direw his borrowed hat KVWT!. zoodr H- ras snre : - —--i Tio's face - hefoie. a: - Tio told him it wisEibte: b^ h-.i been out there for They besiu! izikine aboot Stere's li{< -1 .-- liTTiea—abo-- • ■^^\ —hk foofbalL anc widrtrnl.r a half : --i hardened ff has osird. *" 5*T»te«T BOYS CI.HEMA "Yoo ought to know it," said Steve sud- denly. "Y'ou mtde that play pretty taoMus— Edwards.'" Tio fell silent. ~Xo wtHMler jrour face kwks familiar: It's plastered aU over toe z>~mnasiuni trails vitfa every championship team you ever turned out at Western!" "Y'ou mean to tell me those pictures are still up there?" muttered Tio. lo^g some of his hanfaiess. "I csured they made a bonfire of thoee years ago." "You're wrong. Coach! Peopje love Ut re- member their heroes as they once were." ~Db you think they can forget?" exclaimed T:o bineriy. ~A man who gambled with a kN of dean kids! A man who nearly wrecked the lives of thirty bov^ while he was wieckiog his own! Xoi a chance!" Now they had gone back to the past. Tio discovered that Bdl Kendall, who had been his STpatest frinid at college, was Sieve's father. ^ ~Tou're ^onna be all right." he said presentlv. "JJake vourself comforiaUe. I'll be badd" "Say. Coaoh," said Steve suddenly. "1 wood^^-can I sec Xedra?" "What dj you kimw about her?" Tio asked gruffly. ~Oh. nothing moch. except that she's done a lot for me—and she's a swell girl." "And dangerous." said Tio, opening the door. At that moment Xedra was in her dresing- rxMKn talking to the captain oi the Falcon. to whom she had managed to pass a message. ~I understand you need a new radio operator." she began "Wlu) toM you that?" he said Ens{Mcioii5ly. *'It rioeai't matter. T think I can get yon just the right man—that is, if Tou're in- **1 HMght be. Who is he?" " Xn American. Hb name." she said slowly, "is Steve Kendal!." The captain started. '^KendaU! He's dead. I radioed his folks this nMtming. Are you " "I took a chance on you, captain." she said urgently, "because I felt you were decent. Y"o«i want to bdp that boy. don't you?" His leathery face betrayed his worry; pnes- entlv he said deciavelT: EvMy Tuesday Til take him. He's a good boy—I don't want to leave him to the mercy of those rats." ""Thank you," she said vrarmlv. "When (k> you sail?" "Midnight." "He'll be there," said Xedra. A shadowy figure which had been listening out^de the door slipped away. Gair had heard enough. He didn't think Steve Kendall would get away. Already he had telephoned the inspector of the Secret Police ationymotisiy. and informed him that the man they warned was to be found at Tio's place. H THE RAID AVTNG obtaiued permission froffl Tio, Nedra went down to tl»e under ixfom to see SteAe. She had had a shot- disturbing conversation with Gair. i was surprised to find leaning ag^ainst He had warned her to get out of the she was too important to Dr. Fiomm's organb- ation. Fearful that one side or the other would strike before she could get him av.^y. the girl told Steve of her talk with the Falocm's skipper. "Look here. Xedra." he said impulsively. " what about you ? What happens to you now? The Government must know you'rt mixed up in this; your frieiKls have berraye'i you " "Fll take care of myself. Steve. I've been doing it for a lone time now." "Comewith me. Xedra.'' he said earnestly. "Thb isn't a country—it's a prison:'" "If only I could. Steve.'' she whispered, with a strange longing in her eyes. "Well, why can't you? Give yourseh" a chance to lire!" At that moment Tio. working in his ofiice behind the cafe, heard a lorry drawing up in the street. He heard harsh commands, and the ciarier of heavy boots. Then Studs nishetl in. while screams and the smashing of furni- ture sounded in the cafe. "Tney're raidin' the place." rasped the little man. " Lookin' for that Kendall kid!" "So I hear." Tio rose calmly. "Sounds like they're doing a thorough job. Well. I asked for it." Bm he told himself he didn't regret it- Steve meant something to him now: and strangely enough, meeting the son of his old fri^Tsd had given him new hope of starting sain in the States. The soldiers were :Jy smashing up the cafe, looiiag the etrister and hustling the patrons. Tio and Studs did not wait for them to reach the ofBre. They hurried alons the cor- ridor, locked the first door behind them, hear- rig faintly the searchers breakintr into the -■ffice. and Ixir^t in on Steve and Xedra. "VS"hat b it. Tio?" the girl easped. "X'othine much." he said grimly. "The ■ iovemment boys just smashed up live year? of iijy life"—he motioned at Steve—"looking for you." "They must want me awful bad!" Tio iiimed to Studs. "Take 'em out to the boat. I'll be right ■It." The jvkrY hustled his charges throueh a " ■■—r of the room, into a narrow - -• •'■ 'h a grin he reached up and k in the wall. With a =' i-'t camouflaeed door slid ' • f'jllc.-.'. fed. aiui r.- He had heard ' =orr;i? jKiV"T- narrow cau=e- a quay. Therc- -i; 3 ; -• ■ ;; 1: .-.: s:irny ! rnf-er on «»ither side. and. restiiig in a channel of water, a speed- VirjaT. "We can't open her up till we get ou< in -no harrrf>iii." rapped Tio. as he took his plaro 1$. who ■ ' wheel. "I:'ti Here He harfWl oar, and • ■ . - radio operator : •-Kan poiine them aloiiU liie channel. It was only a short tunnel under the quay. I- .jcrr.^\ "o end in a blank wooden wall, but T ', r ■.'-<] on a bit of rope, and the wal! • ■■■■r:7 'Ti like a trapdoor. The speedboat r.-,^ out into the open as they beard shots \f':'uiT>d them. k-fjf^Mr} i».< * t