Boy's Cinema (1939-40)

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20 rlii'ir part in the ambush," Brood translated io LSiiifrs. "An" ho says he don't want to wait no lotiKOr. I'd botier take 'cm lo the main hido oui for the guns right away." "Ail riffht," BragK assented. "An' lote ihotn no aecount pelfs with you. But say, a ooMpia the Indians had better stay with me. I don't fancy bein' left alone hoie." A ininuie or so afterwards Breed and half 'I dozen of the Redskins were ridingr from the vicinilv of the shark with the furs which had III en di>ciii(led as of hast value and. the two rcniaininp Shoshoiios passing into the cabin o keep BiaffK company, the half-t>lood and the other Indians were already some distance from The dwelling when three horsemen topped rt locksti own ridge that overlooked it. The th ee horsemen were JefT Scott. Idaho Ike and Deadwood Hawkins, and. unobserved themsel'es. they were quick to discern Breed and hi;- party. " Hey. " De^idwood at once ejaculated to Idaho and Jeff, " I know that half-'^aste that's in tow with them Shoshones. He's one o* Bi'.iggs sick-kickers." JefT nodded, and at the same time Idaho spoke. "He had a hand in the attack on the wagon." he said. "" And I miss mj- guess Brngg's down in that cabin there with two o' the Redskins. See. there's a saddle-pony and a couple of Injun mustangs tied up outside it." Glancing in the direction of the shack, his comrades noted the presence of the three animals to whi, h he had referred, and after a moment JofT voiced a command. "You and Idaho trail that half-breed and his party. Deadwood," he ordered. "Find out where they're heading foi-. I'm going down there to take a look at that cabin." ^ BOY'S CINEMA "Yeah?" Deadwood mtittercd. "Well, watch out you don't git your hair lifted." He and Idaho turned to set out on the track of Breed and the group of Shoshones who were with the hall-caste, and, dismounting from his stallion and leadmg it, Jed started to descend the ridge which overlooked tfie shuck. Meanwhile, within the abode. Bragg was casting about him with the object of seeking a fnvourab'e hiding-place for the furs he had resolved to withhold from Morgan; and it was as he chanced to move close to one of the windows of the habitation that he looked through the grimy panes and espied JefT ap- proaching the front door, which was ajar. Momentarily Bragg's gross face paled, and momentarily he .seemed to lose his nerve. But he recovered himself in an instant, and, beckon- ing to the two Redskins who were sharing the interior of the cabin with him, he pointed JefT out and then hustled them to the front door. Plucking his gun from its holster, he took up a position alongside that door with his Indian allies, and there the three of them waited -iilently until it was suddenly kicked wide open. JefT bounded into the cabin, thinking to take its inmates by surprise. But instead he was the one who was caught ofT his guard, for no sooner was he fairly across the threshold than Bull Bragg dodged from behind the door and rammed the muzzle of his revolver into the scout's back. "Hold it, feller!" he grated. "An' don't try no tricks, or I'll blast daylight clear through yuh !" JefT had halted abruptly, and now he stood motionless—was still standing there with his back to Bragg when the ex-wagon boss spoke again. Every Tuesday "I'd plug vou outa hand, Scott," he rasped, " but I reckon that'd be too easy a way for you to die Say. one o.' you guys fetch me my riata, will yuh?" The last words were directed at the Red- skins, and one of them had sufficient knowledge of the English language to understand his re- quest and to step outride, returning after a brief interval vvitti a lasso procured from the saddle of Bragg's horse. Then once more the rascally white man addressed himself to Jeff: "Now wheel around, Scott," he instructed, "an' drop that iron o' yours as you do it. You're gonna take things nice an' ea^ an' submit to bein' tied up, see?" Slowly JefT turned, but he did not let fall to the floor. On the contrary, he . chance, and with a rapid gesture brOdgH butt of his .45 crashing down on Bratj»|j wrist, the impact of the blow causH ruffian to drop his revolver with a gasp of pain. Ne.xt second Jeff had seized him.and swung him round, and. using the vainly-squirming renegade as a shield, he trained his six-gun on the Indian with the lariat. "Back up, there!" he snapped at the Sho- shone "If anybody here is gonna be tied up it won't be me!" (Jeff has gained the upper hand, but is he destined to retain the advantage? What will be the outcome of that encounter in the lonely cabin? And how will Deadwood and Idaho fare as trackers of the scoundrelly Breed and his party? Don't miss next week's grip- ping episode of this thrill-packed serial, based on a new Universal picture controlled through- out the United Kingdom and Eire by General Film Distributors, Ltd,) i ^ B ^B The grand candy bar 1' MilkyWay BLU^HI^r —FREE to all suffprers, particulars '*■■*'''•••'''■ of a proved home treatment that quickly removes all embarrassment and permanently cures blushing and Hushing of the face and neck. En- close stamp to Mr, A, TEMPLE, Specialist, 32, Commerce House, 72. Oxford Street, London. W.l. Est. 39 years. STAMPS Coniplpr*' FREE 35 CAT«I.OOUED 13/- Incl ROYAL VISIT CANADA ^rf Colonials, rfc. to approfal applicants spnrl im:2£.-P.Cocl£riIl, 13, MontreURd.,London. S W 2 ROY AL VISIT PKT FREEl Iiif-ludps spi of Canadian Eujal Visit Stamps 31 varicticB. Malta. Canada. Crylon. \ > v\ . ludia Send 2d unt>. requfsiing approvals.— I.ISlUlli.N « TOW.VSKNI) 'UJS\. I.IVKHI'OOL JUBILEE PACKET FREE iiolialh l,oc<jnioii>o, Latvia, EBthonia. Chile, Ri.'.\ pt. Old Tiirkpy. Scarcp Jubilee, pkt. 50 diff Atk lor 50/ disrount .ipproval.^i and rnolose 2d. postage.-ROBINSON BROS. (A), Moreton, Wi-rral. All aPPllcatlcDB for Advertisement Space in this Publication should be addressed to tbe Advertisement Manager. *'£0Y'8 CINEMA." The Fteetvay Rouse. Farrlniidon St.. London. E.C.4 Oeato itallied tbe rubber camp on tbe dreaded Qaamao River and men went there never to come back. Dan Barton decideil to find oat why—and so did lovely Jnditb Taylor. A terriQc storv of adventure in tbe sweltering iungles ot Brazil—adantel from the new Un versa! picture witb Richard Arlen Andy Devine and Beverly Roberts aj tbe stars THE FIGHTING GRINGO When Wade Barton agreed to beip tbe beautitui Nita del Campo and her father against a ruthless band of crooks, six-gnns blaz«d and flsts flew in this whirlwind story, adapted from tbe RKO Radio picture, which stars Qeorge O'Brien as the dare-devil Wade Barton \'^ OREGON TRAIL Another smashing episode of tbe Universal serial— don't miss it ! 'The star is Johnny Hack Brown t'lliiliu III Eiiuliiiid ;iii(J piil.lislicu vv.ij TiicHilay i)> im I'lupii. luih. I'Uh AMAl.OAMATtD l'Kb.-> , i>iii. \'m tkiiway ^l^ul^^.■, Kiriiiifiaiin street Loudon K.C.4. Ailvcrtlsnni'nt Otliccs ; The KIcelwny House, Kaniniidon Street, Loiulon. li.C.l. Subscription Kates . Inland and Vljroad, 11/- pel annnin , 5/6 lor six months. Sole Agents loi Australia and New Zealand ; Messrs. Gordon Ji Goteh. Ltd.; and for South Africa Central News Agency. Ltd BeufSitered for transmission to (Canada at Magazine Kates. February 10th. 1940. 8.V Am