Boy's Cinema (1939-40)

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20 Mason to take him on us a temporary guide. The settlers are getting ready to pull out with Hackctt now. They should be on the move pretty soon, and by sundown none of 'em will be alive." He stabbed a fat forefinger at the half-caste. " Breed," he went on, " I want you to ride to .vour friends the Shoshones. them as many rifles and as much fire-water as they want—if they'll wipe out the Mason wagon train. Toll 'em to circle past Clearivater and swoop down on the column on the trail west of here." Breed's eyes glittered. •' Spotted Elk's ba-'k at his village," he mused, "an' Spotted Elk signed a peace treaty with the government. But T hear he's pletity sore on account of his son Yt-ilow Snake havin' been killed bv Scott. Hawkms and some of the Mason crowd. He knows Yellow Snake asked for it. but he « riled just the same, an' I reckon he'd be glad to rub out them mtmigrants." "Then get going," Morgan commanded. " Braeg. .vou stay here. You took a chance coming itito town in broad daylight—even though you sneaked in by the back way—and you mighl jis well lie low till dark before jfou try to leave." "Breed made his way from the office via the door at the rear of it, and when he had gone MorgJin turned to Biagg. "Bid!." he said, "you wanted to clear out of tins coiiiitry. I guess it was because you were scared of Jeff Scott. But you've nothine to fear from him now, and so long as you're careful I see rin reason why you shouldn't stick around. I fancy 1 could still use you " BOY'S CINEMA He was cut short just then by a knock on the door that communicated with his store, and, enjoining Bragg to remain silent, he raised his voi'i-e inquiringly. "Who's there?" he demanded. "Plackett," was the reply, and on Morgan giving permission to enter, the caller pushed open the communicating door and crossed the thicshold. A bisr. heavily-built rnan in the forties, the new arrival made haste to close the door behind him as He perceived Bragg. Then he strode towards Morgan. "I've just come from the wagon camp," he announced. "A coupla soldiers rode in there, an' handed over some furs to Mason. They said they belonged to him and that hombre Idaho Ike, and they said Scott asked 'em to deliver the pelts." Morgan had staited. As for Bragg, his beefy face had acquired a look of stupefaction. "Scott asked 'em to deliver the pelts?" the storekeeper echoed. "When?" "I dunno. Boss," Hackett lejoined. "But I heard one o' the soldiers mention that Scott and Deadwood Hawkins was up in the foothills lookin' for Bragfg." Bull Bragg found his tongue. "There's something wrong here," he blurted. "You bet there is," Sam Morgan rapped out. "What else did those soldiers say about Scott, Hackett?" His informant shrugged his broad shoulders. "Nothin' much. Boss—except that he lost his hat somewheres." Morgan clenched big hands, and glared at the black sombrero he had hung up in the cup- Every Tuesday board a ivK minutes before. Then he slid his eyes on Bragg. "So Scott was finished, eh?" he snarled. "Breed said so. Boss," Bull Bragg faltered. " He—he was plumb certain of it. Anyway, you've got no call to be skeery o' Jeff Scott. I'm the one he's lookin' for. He ain't got nothin' on .you." Morgan seemed to ma.ster the ire that had been aroused in him. " Yes, you're the one he's lookinor for," he breathed, " and all I hope is that he gets his scalp lifted up in those hills while he's search- ing for you. At least, he's out of the way, and without him or any other tried Indian fighter in control the Mason column shoidd be easy prey for the Shoshones." He wheeled upon Hackett. "Get back to the wagon camp," he in- structed, "and hold yourself in reaniness to hit the trail with those immigrants. And remem- ber—when the Redskins attack, do your best to spread disorder through that whole train before you leave it to the tender mercies of Spotted Elk's braves!" (Will John Mason and his companions of the trail be overwhelmed and massacred? Will the Shoshones accomplish tf>e utter destruction of the immigrant column? And what will happen to Jeff Scott and Deadwood Hawkins in the course of their wanderings through the hills? Don't miss next week's powerful episode of this vivid serial, adapted from a new Universal picture controlled throughout the United Kingdom and Eire by General Film distribu- tors, Ltd.) Y —tAe Ci4iSoj€\'S A CRA//0 a/G CAUOySAR Milky yfdv OTAMDC TKEE. 35 CATALOOl/ED 13/-. 9 I iinirO inol ROYAL VISIT CANADA. Compii'lo Spi . I ..I'WhU. #to., to •[»in-«»v»| flt>l'li'*aou ■'t-nd- ln(2il -P.CookrIll, 13. Motitr«llBd..Londoa.S.W.2. BE SURE TO MENTION "BOY'S CINEMA" WHEN COMMUNICATING WITH ADVERTISERS HAVE YOU A RED NOSE? Sfud a stamp, and you will learn how to rid youTBelf oi nurb a iprriblp afflirtion frpp of change. Addrrtts in ronp- drnrr—T. J. TEMPLE, Specialist, 32, " Commerce House," 72. Oxiord Street, LONDON. W.l. (Est 39 iii-ara.) 130 DIFFEBENT STAMPS, including'Triangu- fnrr I lar. Rectangular isPtK and Briii^h Cols lIlLtl Just Rend 2'1. posiagr. requoKting approe. LISBURN &. TOWNSEND (X7JS). Liverpool, 3- All applications (or Advertise me nt Space In thli publication sboald be addressed to the Adverttsement Manager, "fiOT'S CINEMA." The Fleetwajr Honse, Parrlngdoc St.. London. E.O.I ARSEMAL STADIUM MYSTERY Jaok Doyce, star footballer, die^ in full view of twenty thousand spectators—and the doctor says be has been murdered I How was it done ? Who did it ? Inspector Slade (Leslie Banks), of Scotland Yard, wise-craclu nis way to the answers in this baltiiiu; story adapted trom Qener&l Film Distributors' new &la COMING SHORTLY! GRAND FREE i I'rlntfd in En«lnnd and piililishcd every Tuesday by the F*roprietors, The 1'ress, Ltd., Tlic Fleetway House, Karringdon Street., London, E.C.4. Advertii<ement Offices : Tlic Fleetwiiy House, Fnrringdoii Street, London, E.('.4. Subseription Rates : Inland and Abroad, 11/- per annum : 5/0 for nix months. Sole Agents for Aastralia and New Zealand : Me.ssrs. Gordon Ai Gotch, Ltd. ; and for South Africa : Centruj News Agency, Lt<i. tt«glBtered for tran.smission to Canada at Magazine liates. l-'ebruary 17tb, 1940. 8.V.