Boy's Cinema (1930-31)

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28 BOY'S CINEMA Branded a Coward/ (Continued from page 26.) from the side as tlio stream of bullets tluidded into the wooden hull and cut their way through. I Suddenly the firititf ceased, and the liquor craft made off at fidl speed. Bill Jitood up again and looked after them, .wondering what it was all about. Ap- parently they had not attempted to aim at him per.«onally, and the fact puzzled him. I Not for long did he remain wondering. Water began to filter through the deck •boarding as it came awash, and the engine .spluttered to an abrupt stand- 'still. In vain Bill tried to get to the 'leak and stop it up. The bootleggers had done their work too well. I He had reached the higiiest point of Hie motor-boat—the roof of the cabin— Vhen there came a .steady droning from above. He looked up, and saw four 'heavy flying-boat-i aliove, their long, Mender fuselages gleaming in the earl,\ sun. Wlildiy he waved his cap to attract their attention. They saw him. Swiftly one of them swopped down to the surface of the ivater, and fa.xi'd forward. Biir clutched at the wing as it'swept p.irst, and clambered aboard. Slowly be made his way toward.s the cockpit. ; "Are you the young shaver froui Annapolis that's been getting yourself into trouble?" bellowed the pilot. "I am,'' Bill replied. "But I don't reckon I'm going back there. If you've come to colle'ct me, I'm going overi)oard. I'd be in the way if I' returned." 'fhe pilot leaned over and grabbed Iiini by the coUai of his jacket. "Cut that talk right out,"- he said. •■The skipper of my unit told me id tell you that there'd been a misunderstand ing or something, and as I passed low over Eastport slipway.s I sa\y the admiral of the academy standing below looking at our squadron. There was a girl witli him. ■ Does^ that convey anything to you?" "It does," said Bill briefly. "How fa>t can this old tub go?" The pilot did n^t answer. Instead lie opened his throttle wide, and Bill held on for dear life while they shot forwaid and banked steeply for the turn back to Annapolis—and Betty. (By permission of the Producers' Dis- tributing Company, Ltd., starring , Jofinny Mack Brown as Bill Dunn.) (Continued from page 2.) Nearly Lost His Balancoi VVliilc acting in a talking sequence from the roof of a restaurant in Iiondon, Carl Brisson nearly lost his balance and fell into the street below. The picture he was taking pari in is "The Song of Soho," and the scene in que.stion shows him .seated on a low jiarapot of a Soho cafe and singing to Kdna Davies, w^ho is listening to him from a window below. Edna Davits, seeing his danger, shouted in alarm, and at the .same time an assistant directoi who was at Carl iBrisson's side graoiicd liold of him as the star was aliout to fall. In tlio picture, Carl Ericsson's singing will be heard in conjunction with the ordinary noisoa of a London strcrt. NEXT WEEK'S GIFT! Don't miss this splendid photo-card of the charming and popular flim actress, given FREE In next week's BOY'S OINEMA. Order your copy NOW and avoid disappointnnent. Every Tuesday : "THE VANISHING WEST." I (Contioued irom page 34.i •X---^^- position. Then lie leapt aero-; the room. Both Trent'b guns roared at once and someone gave a cry of j-iain. Almost as soon as the reports had died awaj. there was a yelp. Trent had receive.! the full force of .lim's fist cle<in on the point, and his weapons clattered to the floor. • Jim did not give liim time to recover. With a shout to (he others to wade in, he sprang at his enemy and laid him backwards across a table. Again anil again ho crashed his fist into Trent's face. The others took up tlic shout. Within a few seconds the saloon was like a battlefield. Collins, grabbing at one of the fallen guns, gripped it as Steve mounted a table. Steve took a flying leap and landed squarely on Collins" back. The two rolled over locked in a fiei-co embrace. Fargo stood apart watching the scene cnlmly. He turned to Lee, who was sianding ncur. "A nice law-abiding place," 4io com- mented, and grabbed the shewff, who rushed through the doorway at that moment, "t'luy. sherilF, you might get my boys along and have this mess sorit*.d out. Taki' Trent's crowd down to the lock-up. They've caused about enough trouble." He ))au.sed, thinking. '"Oh yes, and sec Jim and Betty Kincjiid down to the parson's house while you'r^^ about it." - _ ■ He was about to turn away, when he remembered something else. ''I supjjosc I'll better stay and fix you up over those oil lands, Lee'.'' bo went on. "Somebody's sure to make a mr>s j of it if I don't. This place wouldn't be the .same withoiit me." A bottle whizzed past his'head. ''Have a cigar?" ho a.sked cnhnly. - . "I'hanWs." I^ec ropliod^^ accepting one. "What is >nur next job?" Fargo gazed speculatively At Trent and his confederates as they; were led away. " Chicago, I expect.. I feel the need for eKcitement. The West ;<n't what it was." THE END. (By permission of the Universal Films, Ltd. Don't miss the opening episode of a new and thrilling serial—the first "talkie " serial ever made—of Blake " the famous Scotland Yard detective.) HEIGHT INCREASED 5/- ''8^\;^AT apARANTEBD One Month. 3-5 ill.-*, witlioiil appliances—drugs—dieting THE FAMOUS CLZVE SYSTEM NBVER FAILS. ricmiplil.' Course 5,'- P.O. pwst frco. or fiirtber parties. si.iini>. P.A.CLrvE.HarrockHome. COLWYN BAY. North Wales. (Est.1908 FREE to /ippilcaiits tyr our Approvals: 75 different .Stamps Duplicate Book. Perforation tiauge. 100 Stamp Mounts. Seed 2d. stamp for poatacc ; <al road ad.).-R. WILKINSON. Trinity Str. (W.). LL ANPUDNO. Te]il,i-iloaui.sta' Iiisl iiiiiient s ijivcu ^KEE (o all .sending 7d. (P.O.i for IhIcmI, Magic Triok and 1,1st. (Large Parcl., 2,6. 5/-.1-P T. Thompson Co., Colwyn Bay. N. Wales. FREE FUN! STOP STAMMERING! HVaRES, 7, Cure yourself as I did. Par- ticulars Free. FRANK B. SOUTHAMPTON BOW, LONDON. W.C.I. FRFF PAV1^A<^F'C to Ontario, canada. tor an- rnCiEi r/tSa/lUEja ,,roved Iwy tan,. K.n-ners. .ije 15 to 1^, .\rlili -ONTARIO GOVERNMENT. 346. STRAND, LONDON. Increased my own height to 6ft. Sila: STAMP brings PBEE DETAILS.— BOSS. Heltftat Speotallit, Soarborotiitli. BE TALLER! All British" Boxer Cycle. ^ ^ . Cuaranteed for ever. C C / '^'sual retail—£4-4-0. rjjj / „I''ramo Keynolda or >^ *^ / Accles & Pollock ' Tubing. Genuine Clincher Cord TVr«« Deposit 10-4 12 monthly iiajment.8of4/U WBITE FOE COMPLETE LIST. OEO. GROSE & CO., 8, NEW BRIDGE ST., LONOON,E.C.4 HEIGHT INCREASED 2 to 5 ins. THE AL.VX .SY.STEM CANNOT FAIL. I GVAP.ASTEE SUCCESS WITHIN 21 DAYS or Cash Eetunded in Full. Send P.O. 5/6 tVOII'. or stattip f!tr piirtiruJars. A. K. ALAN (DEPI Bl. 19-2t. OXFORD ST . LONDON. W.l . 5^6 COMPLETE COURSE MAGIC TRICKS, Cd. each, 4 for 1/-.—T.W. H etc. I'arccls, 2 6. B'6. VcDtriloquisfi* Instrument. Invisible. Imitate Birds. Price each, 4 for 1/-.—T.W. Harrison, 230, Pentonville Kd., London, N.l.