Boy's Cinema (1930-31)

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2S BOY'S CINEMA (ContiDiied liom page 3.) BiitUh Iiifcrnntional I'ictme: at E)<-irte, The licro of file affiiir was Lanco Fail-fax, tlic Australian star wlio re- cently arrived in tliis country, and tlio cause of the excitcnient \va? a horse %vhich went into a panic, broke loose from the man in whofc cligrgc is was placed, and dashed round the studio, wrejsking everything tlwit lay in its liatli. Fairfax, Tvlio takes tlic part of Eacaiiiillo, the toreijidor, in the film, va> testing the lior>e on the set when the full l.itttery of lights, suddenly put en, frigiitened it. He had niomentarily left the anlrnal in charge of a studio Iwnd while he \vas' making an adjustment to liis luakc-up, and iu a flash, as the full t^lare of the great arc lami)- flood<tl tlie i-tudio, tlie horse was on its liind legs, kicking wildly right and left. Artistes rushed for cover a; tlic iiniiual tore it* bridli- loon- from the man who lieM it and staiLped around the .?tudio. tkishiug into .'iound apparatus and knocking 6\er .several lamps in it^ wild career. The situation liad beconi{- de.-ixrate indeed when Lance Fairfax dashed up to the horse, grabbed its bridle and began to fondle and talk to it. In a nionient or so it liad tjuietened doun and was taken off the set, leaving n be- wildered tint grateful iinir to (hank Fairf«x—who Lad l>eeu .-lightly bruised on the left kwf by the flying hoofs of the liorse—for hi« timely intervention. It was afterwards revealed that l''air- fax had spent many year< in breaking in in New Zealand and Aus- tralia. He .served in tiie cavalry dur- ing the war. and gained an M.G. He was twice mentioned in despatches by Sir Douglas Haig. Cameraman Locked Up in Bankruptcy Court. For the _ purposes of reconstructing in tlie .-.tudio a fjusiinile of ihe interior of the Haiikrujitcy Ccmt in Londoi.', tin art depaitjnenl of ISri'ijh Iiiteriiational Pictures at KIsli-ee sent a still piioto- graplicr to take pictures inside the buildings. Tlic man duly arrived and was <ibout to take the riecessary photographs when his camera jammed, and a seaith en.sued for a dark i-oom iii vtiich the adjustment could be^ made. A'arious rooms in (he building were visitMl, but none was found suitable. All had windows. The position was getiiug critical as the pictures A\ere needed h,\ tlie even- ing, and the cjuestion of light had to be considered, when it wus suggested that the safe seemed to be the only dark room avaiiatile. The next problem was: How were they to know outside when the camern- uia^i had fini.Uu-d in the sale? No sound that be could make would be heard througli the tiiick steel door. Finally it was decided to allow liim five minute.-) in which to complete the job. Tiie ndnutes ticked .'iway in the dark- ness of the .--afe. The five n:inu(es passed and tlie door was flung open. But .the camera wu.sfctill jammed. Five more minutes were allowed him in tlie safe, and it was a perspiring but trium]ihant cameraman vhc' eniergcd. A Film Star's Mascot. (iordon Harker^ who plays liic tyi»ieal burglar-butler roles id the British Lion- (Sain.sborough screen \ersion of the Pldgar Wallace racing thriller, "The Calendar," is possessed '>f an exception- ally clever mascot in the person of Jim, a blind terrier. .Tim unfortunately lost his sight just over a year ago, and sine* that time hafi been a pathetic aiid sulxJued figure unceasingly at Mr. Harker's side. 'J'hey are, in fact, in.separable and de- voted friends. Jim got^-. to the .-Uidio every day, where he follows his master from dressing-room to set, and so highly deveUiped is his sense of intelligcn<e thai, despite his blindness, he can .sense Every Tuesday wjicn filming is in progress and when it is ended. lie understands that when the microphones arc open he must remain perfectly quiet and stiil, which he does, stretched out behind the powcr- lul arc-lamps and cameras, nose in paws. Once the shooting is over he shakes him-ell and hurriedly joins his master. Jim's r'atien' stibmission to the calamity of eternal darkness and his super-intelligfnco have captured the synifiathy and admiration of the studio staff and aho of Miss Edna Best and Mr. Herbert Marshall, who are playing the leading roles in "The Calender." Jim has won tlie highest studio recogni- tion—lie is a "great feller," Answers to Questions. Ye=, we have readers in all parts of the world, K.K.B. (Beckenham). Thanks for your appreciation of this paper. Bob Steele's real name is Bradbury. He is still a}i}iearing in films, some new one-. Ix-ing ••The Sunrise Trail," "Headin' North," "The Ridin' l-'ool " and "The Oklahoma Cyclone." Yakima Caruitl during the war served in the Uuitf«l States Navy, and later took up filui work. Among his pictures are "Th« Humaii 'J'ornado." "Desert Gi"eed," 'The Figiiting Stallion" and "Tlie Man With tiio f'ar." ' He 4ocs noi reveal his ago. Jack Perrin meant to become a .s^nario writer, but changed his irund when a film company gave him the chance to aci. His pictures include '■(.Jrev De\ii," "Code of the Kange." "The North West Moiuited Police " .series and "The Flaming West." He is six foot in height, and has brown eyes. Yes, the ever-popular Tom Mix will be seen again in Westerns prodticed by Universal. Albert F. Smith is an P!iigli.->hnjuii uho was born in Fiiversham, Kent, C.K.B. (London. S.W.). He went out to America several years ago, and with Smart J. Blackton, another F.nglish- mari. they fcninded the Vitagrapli film company, which Winner Bros, took over a few years ago. I i>reii«uine, how<!vei-, your query relates to Albert J. Smith uho. as far a.s 1 am aware, i^ no relation, and was born in Chicago. He made his film delmt in 1915, and siuc(^ ;iien lla^ afppeared in a numlier of cow Iku films. You can get a photo of Johnny Mtick Brown for 9d. post free from the "I'iciure Show," Phoio Dept., Bear Alley. l-«rringdon Street, E.('.4. G R O S E * S , LUOCATE CIRCUS, LONDON, FOOTBALL JERSEYS All Colours and Designs. per doz. British Made. Scnil for lllustratc<i List. Post Fire, 15- i GEO. GROSE & CO., 8, New Brldgre St., London, E.C.4. DON'T BE BULLIED SoruL SPTi:xr>ID LBS^OXS in .Tf.TITStT. inUn'tlii.c firlicK.= i.!*r,, Tttlih on applic?*'toh. Ilr-w \i- Xnkv i-.fre of yourscu undf-r ALL rir'Vimstartcei. viib'nU v^capc-ns, b.v The WumK-rtuI JuDnnesf art of yflf-af-f'-n-v-. Fir IrttiT tli.'ni bosmg. Lcnn to l\;ip tiO man SiOijily s-ml two jM-nnv pOaUige or 1,- tor rpst JafKf j.jirt NOU tf> - Yawara " (Dept. A.P.>, 10. Oueeiisway, Hanwortli. Felthain, Middlesex. S.-li'^f] iu l.oi!(t.-i, tf.r VrurWid 'liiiWon. BLUSHING, Shmest. " N«rTCi,"Selhc«afofoiuB«uciir«d »r money back I Complete Treatment. &/-. Setalla, atrlklng teitlmoulaU Free L, &. STEBBINQ, 28, Dean Road. LONDON, N.W.2. STAMMERING. V HUQHES, 26, H STOP NOW ! Curt yeiusilf as 1 did. Particulars free. FRANK B. HART STREET, LONDON, W.C.I. li...l..,«*jLMi 4 M MMmiljijiiiiy Wr V fcr r,\' (r.-. B..r£ni;: DsIj cf ',ii. h,.-\ Ai.j, iij:rrisH 14 UAi".< APPKOVAL. CAKRIAOF FATD. Cash I r\i' £3 15s. Od., (ir terms All ;ic.,-(>s,..r;i> IKi:);. Valiu 2i;-. 'Edwi M TMCMabKUUKUICirCIXOUIXil KP 17 COVENTRY. BE TALL Vci'T U< ii:l't Ii:' if 14 6::\f. or mfno> bflrk I Anitizioc Oo.irsf, bl-. S> l.d STAMP NOW" lor FITS B.^ok -STEBBING SYSTEM. 28. Dean Boad, London, N.W.2. BLUSHING, U 26, HART SHYNESS, TIM IDITV. For FREE panicuUrs If s.implebomi run . ftnd st.amp. MR. HUQHES, 'street (ROOM 16), LONDON, W.C.I. 300 STAMPS FOR 6d. (Kbivail 1.). iniliidiuK B.irl.iid(.«. Olii l]\(1ia. Nit'Tia.KeK • , 50.1'lg'M .I.Yt.SlourliiiJKP. All Applications for Advertisement Space in this. Publication should be addressed to the Advertisement Manager, BOY'S CINEMA, The Fleetway House, Farringdon Street, London, E.C.4. iutcd and puMishid cverv 'i'msday by the I'n.piii tors, Tin- AtonlKanriHUd Pr. hs, l.ld., The I'Ui-tway Housp, KarrinKdon Stn-ot, T.nndon. h.OA. hcrtisiiutut, Ofllccs: The I'lretwav 'Kohsi , larriiigdcu .snvcl. Lomloii, };.i:.4. Snl.scTipfk.n Kat.-; : Inland and Abroad, 11- p< x ann"'". . for gix months. Sole Ag^mts for Aiistnili.-i and ^(•« /..'aland : Messrs.. (u.rdon A- 0<.,t<-li, Ltd.; .ind for South AfrWa : Cintnil >!<n« A^c>ucy, I,td. Ijcptrml'Cr ■'"'Hi lft;;i. itogistcnd for tran-uiissioii to Canada al Matia/im- I'.ali-s. f'.t;.