Boy's Cinema (1930-31)

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Every Tuesday liim over and let Miss Helen have a look at hitn, Bill." A Close Shave. THE gulch opened into a great fertile hollow, rinimed with hills, but its pasture-land was not immediately visible because a belt of trees intervened. Beyond those trees stood a ranch-house and outbuildings, and beyond the ranch- house was a large corral full of cattle. Helen Clayton, in riding-kit with a gaily coloured .scarf around her neck, rode over to the corral with Tubby Bolt, who was still her foreman, and Tubby contemplated with glee the latest addi- tions to the stock. "A couple more raids like that, Miss Helen," he chuckled, "and Taylor won't liave enough beef left to fry himself a. steak!" "Yes, Tubby." said Helen gloomily, "but that doesn't bring my father back.' And she turned her horse abruptly and rode back to the ranch-house. Slic had dismounted and was standing in the doorway of the building when Jim. a prisoner between ilighpockets and Nevady, was marched in at the back door and led into rather a b*rc room, used as an olTicc. "What did you hear al)0ut Miss Clay- ton in Lorado?" inquired Ilighpockets. Jim, instead of answering, looked round at Nevady, who had taken up his stand by the door of the room and was whittling away at a piece of wood with a particularly formidable knife. ,; "What's ho doing?" lie inquired. "Building a house?" "No—I'm making a trigger for a trap." snapped Nevady. "I don't like that cowpunchcr," Jim informed Highpockets; and at that moment became aware of a slim and very beautiful girl who was looking into the room over Nevady's broad shoulder. Her deep brown eyes enveloped him. "What wa-. that you wanted to know?'.' he said impishly. "What thev told me about Miss Clayton? Well, one BOY'S CINEMA thmg they told me was that she had big febt, and another was that she was knock-kneed." The trick succeeded. Helen pushed her way past Nevady into the room and walked straight up to the prisoner. "So I have big feet, have I?" she cried angrily. .Jim looked down at her feet, which were encased in riding-boots but were obviously small. Her riding skirt was short, but she raised it above her knees. "And I'm knock-kneed, am I?" .Tim rubbed his unshaven chin and con- templated a pair of knees that seemed to him absolutely perfect. "Lady," he said apologetically, ".somebody misinformed me." "Who are you? ' And how did you get here?" she demanded icily. Highpockets explained matters, and during tlie explanation she glanced fre- quently at the tall young man. so that .Jim became acutely conscious of his un- kcmi)t appearance. Without waiting for her to decide what should be done with him he asked pleasantly: "Can I clean up?" .She nodded and told Highpockets to take care of him. Ilighpockets. highly disgusted, said : "\Voll—er—you go on over to my cabin and make yourself at home." "Thanks." said Jim gratefully to Helen, and w^s escorted to the back door of the ranch-house, where Highpockets jerked a grimy thumb in the direction of a cabin at the bottom of the yard. The two guards who were waiting within call followed him across to rhc building, and Highpockets returned to his young mistress. " i seem to have seen that Jasper some place before," Nevady said thoughtfully. "Can't just place him now, but I've got an idea it was along tiie border." "Do you tliink he's a law man?" asked Highpockets. "Well, I don't know—maybe it'll come back to me." "I rather like the look of him." de- cided Helen, and left them standing there, staring rather blankly after her. "I got an ideal" atmouncod High- pockets. "Come on, Nevady!" They went out togetlier and crossed to the cabin. Jim was looking out of one of its windows as they entered. He had just washed his face and hands in a basin and was holding a towel. "Reckon you'll want a shave," said Highpockets. "You'll find hot watei" buck there on the stove." "Thanks," said Jim. and took a (in cup from a tuble and filled it from a kettle on the stove, while Highpocket.s took an old-fashioned razor from its case on the dresser and proceeded to sharpen it carefully on a hone. Jim. having made a lather in the soap-dish on the wash-stand, held out his hand for the instrument. "Guess that's sharp enough," he said. "I can shave with that." "Sit down." barked Highpockets, kicking forward a chair but withholding the razor. " I got a weakness for shaving gents. Close or medium shave?" "Oh. just once over,'' rej>lied Jim, s(>ating himself ratlier reluctantly on the chair. Highpockets draped a towel around his neck, pushed back his head, and lathered liis face. Then re-opening the razor, which he had closed for the nonce, he began to shave his victim. With the blade caressing a very ex- posed throat he said suddenly : "By the way, you run across any Rangers down in town?" "No—why?'' inquired Jim. "We heard one blew in last week." "They're liable to blow in anywhere. Can't ever tell when them fellows aro going to pop up." "You're right, son.'' responded High- pockets grimly, sliding the blade over Jim's adam's apple. "Y'ou ever down around the border country?" "No. I'm from the north. Why?" "Nothin'. Have some friends down there. Thought maybe Wait a minute —I'm not through !" But Jim had jnished away the hand that wielded the razor and got to his feet. "Oil, yes you are," he said, making Sepleiuber I'Jlli. 1931.