Boy's Cinema (1930-31)

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Every Tuesday tluoat, and oiico Highpockets pointed his six-shooter to indicate a growing impatience. After the meal, Minnie brought in a teapot and cups and saucers, and Jim, only too eager to jx>stpoue his end, drank several cups of tea. '' Did you ever have your fortune told in a teacup?" Helen asked him, and in- sisted on telling his. But when she picked up his empty cup and examined the accumulation of leaves in it, she exclaimed: "This is terrible! It looks like you're goinir away. I see a long, long road. No, L don't think it's a road. It could be a long rope." Jim shivered slightly. " I don't believe in those things," he said, and took the cup from her and set it down. "It's a wonderful night out to-night—with a great big moon. How v.onld you like to take a walk with me?" She sprang to her feet immediately, delighled with the suggestion; and together they went out into the scented night. Five heads bobbed back out of sight as they emerged, five bodies were pressed close against walls or bushes; but after Jim and Helen had passed beneath the first of the trees all the nine men who formed tho outfit followed st'.>althily in their wake. "Isn't it quiet and peaceful?" ex- claimed Heien. "It's a wonderful night —and you were right about the moon." She turned abruptly, for Tubby had stumbled over a bucket, and she became aware of several shadowy figures behind. "The hoys seem playful to-night," she remarked. " Yes," said Jim. " What say we fool 'em?" She nodded readily, aiul he led h<'r in tho direction of the 6table.=i. They entered one of them together, and the watchers immediately became iu.ipicioiis and stole closer, quite pre- pared for Jim to come galloping out on hi.s white horse in a desperate bid for freedom. But Jim had fooled tliem. He and Helen strolled out from the stable and over the fields towards the distant gulch; and out in the open the watchem had to fall back or attract their young mistress' attention. Five minutes elapsed. ,ind then Jim, BOY'SrcINEMA still strolling beside Helen, whistled shrilly; and out from the stable flashed the white form of Silver, hastening to the master who had summoned him; and while Highiwckets and the others stared in consternation, Jim vaulted into the saddle—and lifted Helen up on to his knees. "Oh, this is thrilling!" she cried delightedly. It was! J im shot ofT towards the gulch, and long before his discomfited custodians could saddle and moimt theic own he was through the gap, across the river, and careering through Hidden Valley. But if Jim had left danger behind, danger lurked ahead. The trees were dense on either side of the trail in the heart of Hidden Valley, and as they rode out of the moonlight into the shadows they foimd thenuielves surrounded by horsemen. "Oh!" gasped Helen. "Helen Clayton!" cried tho voice of Matt Taylor exultingly. "This sure is a great pleasure. Wo were looking for your hideout, and here you are! Rex, gi\^ tho young lady your She'll be more comfortable, because we've got a good way to go." He turned to Jim. "Who are you?" he barked, and his gun threatened. Helen slid obediently to the ground and was heljied mi to another horee. There was no possibility of escape, for at least ten men were gathered round them, and Jim had to think quickly. "Don't you remember?" ho said. "I'm the follow that promised to bring that girl to you—and you promised two thousand dollars reward. I want it!" "The drunk!" exclaimed Matt "Taylor. "So you caught up with your drinking, oh? "Well, she's worth that much and more to mo. Head for the home ranch, boys." The man addressed as Rex climbed up behind Breed on the horse which that ruffian was riding, and the whole party set off in the direction of Syndicate Ranch. Highpockets and hi.s companions streamed across tho valley some little while later and drew rein on almost the verv si>ot whore Taylor had captured Helen. "Well," exclaimed Novady dis- gustedly, "that wabble-oyed son of a gun has got clean away! It's all your fault, Highpockets. We should have strung him ui) the minute wc knowed who he was." " Well, we're not giving up—not until we've scoured the entire panhandle!' declared Highpockets. "Let's get going, boys!" Taylor and his gang were, by this time," well beyond Sentinel Rocks, and consequently out of sight. Almost a bee-line was made for the ranchhouso ■below Bellington, and in the very early hours of the moiiiing the long, low wooden building was reached, and Helen was marched into a well-furnished living-room by Matt Taylor, Jim following of his own accord. "I've been looking forward to this ploiisuro for a long time," said Taylor mockingly. "Perhai)s if won't be so pleasant for you when my men find out whore I am," retorted Helen defiantly. " It will bo a pleasure to receive them, too," laughed Taylor. "I've been try- ing for months to draw them out of their hole st) my men could wipe them out." Breed appeared in the doorway, grinning maliciously, and Taylor turned to him. "Show Miss Clayton to our guest room," he directed. "Come on. Miss Clayton!" com- manded Breed. But Helen, instead of obeying, snatched his whip and slashed Jini across the face with it. "She sure loves you, buddy!" jeered Matt^ Taylor. "Yeah." drawled Jim, caressing a red weal on his right cheek. And then Helen dropped (he wliip and moved past him, following Breed out into a passage which led to other ground-floor rooms and to the stairs. She was escorted to a pleasant bed- room, and the door was clo.sed upon her and locked. She went over to the window aiul looked down into the moon- lit farmyard, torn hot ween love and hatred for the man she misunderstood. Downstairs. Sam I,aiming had entered tho*living-rooin. and Taylor, motionioK him to a chair, said to Jim: ** Here I am, Captain/' said Jim cheerfully, <* and I arrest Matt Taylor for the murder of Ed Lanning." September I'.itli, 1331,