Boy's Cinema (1930-31)

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Every Tuesday All letters to the Editor should be addressed c/o BOY'S CINEMA. Koom 163, The Fleetway House, Faitingdon Street, London, E.C.4. " Smart Money." Nick Ve.iizclos, Edward G. Robinson ; Irene, Evalyn Kiiapp; Jack, James Cagney; Marie, Noel Francis; District Attorney, Morf,'an Waltaee; Mr. Amen- oppopiilos, Paul Poicasi; Schultz, Clark Burroughs; Slcopy Sam. Ralf llarolde ; f^port Williajiis, Boris Karloff; Doalci Barnes. VVulfrr J'crcival ; Snake Eyes, John Laikiii; Lola Polly Walters. ." The Last Ride." Lita Alvaro, Dorothy Eevier; Big Boy, Tom Santschi; Brady, Francis Ford; Roy Smith, Charles iMovton; l-)oris White, Virginia Biown Faire; Piccardi, Frank Mayo. Where Did You Get That Hat ? That"s probably what you would ask your favourite movie star if you hap- pened to meet him—or her—away from the studio. Greta Garbo always wears a round tarn, pulled down until nary a wisp of Jiair is showing. Joliu Gilbert wears an old grey felt, with tho top crushed in by hard usage and stuflTmg into his over- coat pocket. Marion Davies comes to work witli a sailor cap on, and Buster Keaton may be seen samrteririg from « hjird day at the Metro-Goldwyn-Maycr plant with a white cap tliat accentuates his swarthy complexion. .Ramon Novarro invariably wears a green felt, several sizes too small. Atk)]phe Menjou. ever immaculate, favours a smart black felt with turned- down brim. Norma Shearer, usually wears close-fitting green turbans, and Wallace Beary is seldom without his t*ecd cap witli crumpled peak. Mario Dressier's hats made her famous on the stage many years ago. but in private she goes in for ))lain toques with simple ornaments. Cliff Edwards always wears hi« hats backwards, and Hcdda Hopper, may be sure (o have a skull-bonnet pushed fai back on her head. Anita Page usually wears only a scarf fihout her blonde tresses, and Robert Montgomery goes ha ties?. Not Enough Rain ! Norman Lee. thy direclor of "Four Winds," now being produced at Wel- wyn Studios, must surely be the on!y person in England to complain that in- suflicieut rain has fallen this summer. OfTicially, the English summer should have arrived as "Four Winds" was due for production, _ and accordingly lain storms descended unceasingly. Lee. however, required a constant tor- rential dowu|)our for scenes in the film, and Iiad hoped to harness Nature for his purpose, but in his opinion the fall- ing rain was too mild, and there was not enough of it 1 To provide Lee's idea of real rain, a system was introduced by «liich water was conveyed into the S-tudio itself ond released through a huge sifter. The unfortunalo mondjers of the cast were September 26tli, lt»31. NEXT WEEK'S THREE COMPLETE FILM STORIES. HENRY KENDALL " T^E FLYING FOOL." A young Enghsh detective swears to get a murderer within a week, and a battle of wits liollows with a desperate gang ol crooks. A mysterious and beautiiul young girl becomes involved in this grim story ot Clime. " THE LONESOME TRAIL." A girl and a brave cowpuncher have to fight with brawn and brain to escape from the attack of a band oS Western bad men. Starring Charles Delaney. "SUBWAY EXPRESS." Who killed Edward Tracy? A baffling murder mystery that will keep you guess- ing till the end. Starring Jack Holt and Eileen Piingle. ALSO The fifth episode of our thrilling serial of the fire brigade, starring Tim McCoy and Marion Shockley. " HEROES OF THE FLAMES." grouped under the sifter, and there tg- ceivcd the full benefit of Leo's rain- storms. Every precaution was taken, however, to prevent chills and colds. Hot 1-urths and welcome drinks were pro- vided, and though this damp climale was maintained for three days, no one even sneezed. Tho cameramen and sound engineers were in such close jiroximity to the actors thai they were also drenched to the skin throughout the tluoe days, but L(^e had somehow managed to keep dry. At last, even he was forced to come within the rain's radius, but owinp to a misundersfanding the most violoni flood of all was precipitated at that moment, and he was soaked to the skin. Anxious inquiries immediately followed : "Have you got enough rain now, Mr. Lee?" A Cruising Holiday- When Richard Arlen and Walter Huston were working together in "The Virginian," they bought a yacht and frequently went sailing in it during week-ends. On completion of the above picture, however, the two men found little opportunity for meeting as before, and Dick is said to have bought up Huston's interests in the yaclit, and hopes shortly to take a cruise in it. His latest picture is called " The Secret Call." Nearly Knocked Out. Charles Biekford relates an incident which made him feel really sore—so much so, in fact, that he is now more careful of the microphone than ever beforeij It happened when he was playing" in his new picture, "East of Borneo." The scene reqiured that Charles should re- cline in a chair, say a few words, and then jump hiu'iiedly to his feet. The filming began and the actor did exactly as directed. With a dull thud, however, his head came in forceful contact with the heavy microphone susiTended directly above him. Charles let out a yell and then said a few words about microphones and things in general. But you won't hear them in the film. The director thought it best to cut out this part of the dialogue so that our ears might be spared! Why They Changed Tl»eir Names. Do you know w hy film artistes changed their names? The leasons are many and varied, but the follovriAg few will suffice. Stan Laurel's real name is Aithur Stanley Jefferson, and his reason for adopting his present one was simply due to ari old variety trick. When he left Fred Karno's Mumming Birds, Stan arranged to strike out on his o'wn. But Arthur Stanley Jefl'ersoii was too long for bill displa.vs. programmes, etc., and so he chi\uged to another and shorter name. Claude Allister's real name is Palmer, but his father, a general, forbade his sou to use the family name in a con- juring act he was g(>ing to perform in London. So young Palmer borrowed a name he had seen somewhere and be- came Claude Allister. John Loder's father, also a military officer, forbade his son to take up a stage career. But John L')we. as ho was, would not give up his ambition and became John Loder. James Hall was at one time known as James Brown. He ran away from home to go on the stage, changed his name to Hamilton, and then when he went jnto pictures was persuaded by Jesse Lasky, the producer, to make yet another change and call himself Hall. (Continued on page 27.)