Boy's Cinema (1930-31)

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Every Tuesday Jealousy had brought her liere, for she expected to find Doris White in Pic- cardi's arms, and wvas ready to make a scene—to again threaten to expose the gangster to the police if he did not at once send Doris away. Love PLccardi she did, but this seemed the only way to win him back, and, what was more, she was resolved now to keep her threat if he persisted in slighting her. Sight of Roy stantiing at the door, evidently listening to what was being said by Piccardi and his men in the conference room, sent a thrill down Lita's spine. A spy '. And then she caught a glimpse of his profile—recog- nised him as the youngster Detective Brady had brought in with him two nights ago, and knew beyond all doubt that he was indeed a spy. Triumph sung in the girl's breast. Here was a way to win Piccardi over to her for all timi-. But it was no good raising the alarm now—the listeiui might get away before Picgardi and the others could dash out and .secure him. .Crafty Lita ! She decided that her best course was to go out and round to the front entrance of the restaurant, and there send a message into Piccardi by one of his men. She baekej to the door witliout the listening youngster being aware of the nienacc that threatened him. opened ii without the least sound and slid out into tlio passage beyond. But in clos- ing the door tfio catch clicked slightly. and Roy, hearing it, turned his head with a startled jerk. No one, but his hwtrt was i)Ounding so madly with tlu! sudden shock he had received that he pulled the door to. the council chamljcr fjuietly to and returned to the chesterfield. Five minutes passed during which time he recovered his nerve, and then the door to the smaller apartment opened and Piccardi and his men re- turned. " Don't forget—twelve o'clock it's to . be, boys," announced Piccardi as he lit a cigarette he had Just taken from a handsome gold case. "Sure, boss," nodded Tony Havers, and, glancing at Roy, who had risen fo his feet as the gangsters had filed back into the room, he beckoned to the youngster with a motion of his head. "Come on, Danny—off you go ! You'll not be wanted on this little jaunt of ours." "No?" Roy arched his eyebrows, jerking the brim of his hat down over his eyes in what he thought was the best gangster style. Then he turned to Piccardi. "Sec here, boss, I hate this life of idleness. You'll lot mo do something soon, won't you ? And the bigger the better, for I'm a glutton for big work." "All in good time, Danny." Pic- cardi smiled behind the cloud of tobacco smoke ho blew ceilingwards. ^But you just trot along now and take it easy till I can fix you. See?" It was the signal for dismissal, and Roy turned to follow Tony and the others as they slouched across the room. But he ha<l taken no more than two or three strides when there came a knock on the door leading from the restaurant. On the instant Piccardi's men pulled up in their tracks, Roy with them, and in answer to the gang leader's "come in," a short, thick-set man with an unprepcssesslng face entered and came straight over to Pic- cardi. In the man's hand was a folded piece of paper which he handed to the crook with never a word. BOY'S CINEMA A Grand New Annual Gripping Film Stories and Pictures LJERE'S a topping gift book that will make a big hit with every boy—a world of ad- venture in pictures and stories— that's what you'll find in the BOY'S CINEMA ANNUAL, the splenflid new film story book. Here you will find pages and pages of gripping film stories, numerous • pictorial articles which tell you all about such interesting subjects as Film Making, Life Stories of Weil- Known Film Stars, Filming Wild Animals, Sports and Pas- times, and the Big Pictures of the moment. There are also three beautiful coloured plates and sixteen plates of famous film stars. If you want a tip-top gift for yourself or for a friend—the BOY'S CINEMA ANNUAL is the very book to choose. BOYS CINEMA ANNUAL Al all Newsagents and Booksellers 6/- net 10 Wondcringly Piccardi took it, opened it out and read the pencilled words thereon. And as ho did so his eyes gleamed, and liis face took on an expression that was ugly to behold. For the missive was from Lita Alvaro denouncing Roy as a spy ! "Here, you !" Piccardi swung round on Roy in a flash. "Come iiere—I want you !" Thinking that the crook intended to assign him to a job, Roy quickly ap- proached and confronted him. "So you're a spy, huh?" Piccarili clenched his fists, his eyes blazing at the youngster with jnurderous inliiisity as Roy started back under the sudden- ness of the accusation. "A stool pigeon ! Here to find out enough ilope to put us safely away. Well, you little swine, you've run into a hornet's nest, and, by heck, you'll find you won't get out of it !" The fury within the man rose with his words, and of a sudden he brought up his fist and crashed it with all his savage strength to the point of Roy's cliin. Back went the youngster as if propelled by some giant catapult to bring up against the chesterfield with a painful gasp. Tense silence for several seconds while Roy slumped there striving to regain his shattered senses. Then, the daze clearing from his brain, he .straightened quickly, and, with a furious cry bursting from him, hurled himself at Piccardi like some mad- dened bull. "You rotten hound!" he bellowed wildly. "Kill Big Boy, my brother, would you ? Why, I'll " "That's enough of that, you little runt !" broke in Tony Havers' harsh voice. "Another move, and I'll tirill you ! You hear me ?" Out of the tail of his eye Roy saw I'iccardl's men threatening him wltli their guns, and the sight had the in- stant effect of steadying him. But he faced Piccardi bravely enough, a de- fiant look in his brown eyes. "Aw, so that's the lay of it! Big Boy's kid brother out for revenge, huh?" Piccardi thrust his face into Roy's, and tiierc was a .sardonic sneer on his cruel lips. "Well, now, if that isn't darnecl funny. A dianoe for rno to pay a little more back. Yes, you poor simp, you're going on your last ride! Know what that means?" The colour drained instantly from Roy's fury-distorted face, and a terri- fied cxprc'ssion came into his eyes, for he knew well enough what those grim words meant. And he was [lowerless to do anything to save himself with those guns threatening him on either hand. A nod from Piccardi and his under- lings quickly closed in on the boy. But as they did so there came a knock on the door leading to the back of tin; premises, and they pulled up with a jerk. "See wlio it is, Tony," said Picciardi, calmly enough. " But keep your gun ready. See?" Face to Face with Death. BUT it was only Doris White at the door, and as Tony stood aside for her to pass into the room she al- most cried out in terror as .she saw Roy standing there with Piccardi's men threatening him with their revolvers. A moment only did she waver, how- ever, for in a flash she realised that any hesitancy on .her part, any show of friendly sympathy for the boy. might Piccardi's suspicions. If she was to save Roy, as save him she must novv that it was obvious they knew him for what he was. she mu^ September 26th. 193U*