Boy's Cinema (1930-31)

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28 ! "The Hunchback Of Notre Dame." I T (Continaed from page 26.) | But the girl would have none of the luscal and w;is now striving dcsperatclj to keep him a( a distance as 1iq tried to tal:o her in his arms and kiss lier. "Leave me alone, you canaille!" she screamed in terror. " Leave me alone 1 Oh, help! Help!" With a bellow of rage, Quasimodo sud- denly flung himself forward, clutched fiercely at Jehan's throat and bore him backwards over Esmeralda's bed. No heed of Jehan's wild cries and pleadings did he take—a red mist was before the hunchback's rolling eye—in his brain the wild urge to revenge himself for the thrashing he had had for helping this man in his fell attempt to kidnap Esmer- alda that fatal night. His fingers pressed savagely on the whimpering man's windpipe, while Esmeralda crouched back in terror, covering her eyes with her hands to shut out the grim sight. Eyes bloodshot and goggling hideously in their sockets, Jchan made one last vain cfl'ort for his life. 13ut the hunch hack's grip was relentless, and a moment later tllo rascal gave a choking sob and went strangely limp. The sound of splintering wood came up from below, and with a sudden cry of rage, Quasimodo released his grip on his victim's throat and hobbled out to the balcony. Esmeralda, fear clutching at her heart, face white as chalk, fol- lowed him, and she shuddered as she saw him dancing in his mad fury, first on one leg and then on the other, as he peered over the stone balustrade. The cathedral door was giving now under the sustained blows of the bat- tering-ram and the axes of the mob below. Where were the soldiers? Quasimodo cursed that they should bo so long delayed. •Jut Clopin and his dogs should not get into the cathedral without paying a heavy price. A wild chuckle burst from BOY'S CINEMA the hunchback's lips as he cast his staring eye on the largo blocks of masonry a little further along the bal cony and on the two large melting-pots beyond thein. Almost he blessed the fact that the cathedral was under repan-s —these huge blocks of stone, which were to replace slabs that were crumbling with age, and the lead in the melting- pots would make formidable weapons to turn against the invaders. In another moment Quasimodo haa seized one of the huge blocks, and, though it called for tremendous strength, he somehow got it to the balustrade and thrust it over. Down it went, crushing some half-dozen or so of the clamourmg men around the cathedral door, causing others to cry out in alarm at this sudden and unexpected blow that had been dealt, them. Block after block hurtled down upon the insurgents, and always they took their toll; then, cackling hideously. Quasiraodo lit the brushwood that was set beneath the two melting-pots, while Esmeralda watched him with horrified amazement, quite unable to move or utter a word of protest. Again the hunchback resorted to fling ing blocks 'bf stone down on Clopin and his followers, and the missiles greatl>- hampered the attack on the door. But,' urged on by their leader, the revolu- tionists swarmed forward after each fall of masonry and smashed their weapons on the splintering wood. Then, just as the stout oak door crashed inwards, Quasimodo tilted the melting-pots above and a stream of molten lead swished over the balcony, poured througfi embrasures in the balus trade and descended on the howling crowd below. Wild shrieks and moans as the molten lead engulfed the revolutionists—and the terrible weapon claimed as one of its victims none other than Clopin himself. Up on the balcony Quasimodo danced with fiendish glee as he peered down and saw the havoc he had wrought— then the sound of thundering hoof.< sit him cheering wildly. The King's Guard at last! "You're saved, my pretty! You're saved!" The hunchback turned to Esmeralda as Phoebus, at the head of Every Tuesday his regiment, galloped into the market square to engage instantly the dis- organised revolutionists in a grim but one-sided battle. "Yonder comes Phoebus Do Chateaupers with his fine soldiers. They'll soon settle with the rest of those dirty knaves!" A sudden shooting pain in his chest caused Quasimodo to wince. Th& strenuous exertions of the past twenty minutes had greatly sapped his strength^ had strained that already weakened heart. But the hunchback paid it very little heed. He shufHed away, a twisted grin on his ugly face, and a few minutes later he came to the rope that tolled the giant bell of Notre Dame. As he grasped it, another and more excru- ciating pain shot through him, causing him to stagger. But only for a moment did he hesitate —he must sound the bell as a signal of the defeat of the revolutionists. A vigorous pull and the toll of the beli drowned all sounds of the battle waging down below. For a minute or two Quasimodo dragged on the rope, his efforts ever growing weaker, then again a sharp pain stabbed his heart and ho staggered drunkenly. Flat on his back be crashed, his face contorted with pain, his breath hissing in between his teeth in shoEt gasps. A second later his body gave a convulsive shudder and then was still. And there on the cold stone, Dom Claude and the reunited lovers, Phoebus and Esmeralda, found him when they came along to see the reason for the tolling of the bell. Quasimodo's heart had given out—not only had the hunchback of Notre Damo tolled the bell in defeat of the revolu- tionists, but ho had sourided his own dirge as well. (By permission of Universal Pictures, Ltd.. starring the late Lon Chaney as Ouasltnodo: Patsy Ruth Miller as Esmer- alda; Norman Kerry as Phoebus De Chateaupers; Nigel De Brulier as Dom Claude; Brandon Hurst as Jehan; Ernest Torrence as Clopin; Tully Marshall as Kinn Louis XI; Raymond Hatton as Gringoire.) HALLOWE'EN AND'THE FIFTH! BOY DETECTIVE OUTFITS ARE SPECIALLY HANDY AT THIS EXCITING TIME OF THE YEAR I DISGUISE OUTFITS, contain. int.' (iir;is' I'.nints (SalU'W or Ctiincsc. Sunburn or Red Indian), Mouslaclics Hair (a.^snrtr<l colours), removable Scars and Warts, Liquid for blacltiug oul front (letli, etc.. etc. TWELVE DIFFERENT ITEMS, includinc valuable book, "Secrets of Disguise," onl.v 1/6. Or larger, with cxlia crease paints, comic beald, monocle, etc.. onl.v 2/6. REVOLVER ELECTRIC TORCH, I'ull Die- trigser and it lights I A bargain I Onl.v 1/2. THE RANGING RAY TORCH. Gives out a beam that can be narrowed down to a searrhliglit ray carrying over great distances. Onlv l/ll. BLACK DOMINO OUTFIT (the set you use when .vou round ni) your man!). Conients : 1. Black Domino Mask. 2. Ifand.sume Ifeneater I'Lilol which files bullets rapidly over 80 feet. 5. FOt'Il boxes of e.xira bullets. 4 Tair of Boy *Tcc Handcuffs (strong and well made). 5. Hoys' Secret .Service Gold Finish Badge. 6. Splendid Call Whistle for Ouldoor Signals. Fun! Thrills! Kxenement ! I'rice complete, onlv 2/1. FOIiKKiN I'OSTAOF. 3d. in the sliilling extra. These are all (iHNliINE BAHCAINS DON'T LOSK A MrNUTK; SEND NOW to THE BOY DETECTIVE SUPPLY STORES. Desk BC. 32, Cathcart Street, GREENOCK. BE TALL Your Height Increased in 14 davs. or raonev back I Aina/IHB 6'-, Send STAMI' NOW for Free Book -STEBBINO SYSTEM, 28. Dean Road, London. N,'W.2. D E SURE TO MENTION "BOY'S CINEMA •• WHEN COMMUNICATING WITH ADVERTISERS. GROSEI'S 8. New ridge Street LONDON, E.C.*. L."''r»/VTE CTRCTTS BII.LIARDS AT HOME X/- por week. 3 ft. 2 3 ft. 9 i 4 ft. 4 4 ft 9 I 5 ft 4 i [ 1 ft. 8 in, 2 ft. 2 ft. 3 In, 2 fi b iu. 2 ft. 8 in. 10' lO/ 10'- 10- 10 4 inonihly pivinenta CASH 4i- ee S.'6 12'6 IS 6 Complete v. nil 2 Cues. 3 Turned Balls guaranteed untireaKabli*. Rn.ard Spirit Level. Pules an) Chalk COMPLETE LTST BLUSHING, Shvuesi, ■' Nerves." SeU-consciousOesi coiM or money back! Complete Treatment, of- DetailB. itriklnf? testlmoDials Free.—L. A STEBBING. 28. Dean Road. LONDON. W.W.I BE TALLER! Increased my own height to 6ft 3)lu. STAMI' brings FHEE DETAII.8.- A B M ROSS. Height Spocialiit SCARBOBOWiH, EXGLA.ND 300 STAMPS FOR 6d. ,',*r'b73o's.^.3ii.i3[i"'y'.'leri','.Ti- Souih Wales, Gold Coast, etc.— W. A, White, 30. Engine Lane, LYE,StoiirbrKu*. ^ »'^^«»'^fc«»'^i»^^»»'^fc«»-^«»''^«»-^fc«»'^fc«»^fc«»^^«»^ « »^fc<cy f All Aitplications for Advcrtiscntent Space in thia I J PuMication should be addressed to the AdvcrtisemeMli i Manager, BOr'S CtXEMA, The Fleclivaft Hottae, I I Farringdon Street, London, E.CA. I Printed and ptibli.shcd every Tiiesd.^y by tlio Proprietor.*, Tlie AmalK.imated Pre.^s, Ltd., Tlic Fieetw.iv House, Farringdon Street, I/jndou, E.0.4i Advertisejnciit OJItces : Tlie FieetHTiy Hotisc. Farriimdon Street, Lon Ion. E.G.4. Subscription lUles ; luLind and Abroad. 11/- per anniua; &,iO for six montlis. .<>nl: Agents tor Australi.t and New Zealand : Messrs, Gordon <t Qotoh. Ltd.: (ind fur Sotith Africa : Central News Agcacy, U4. October 31st. IMl ^' Kcgistered for transmission to Canada at Ma«a7.iacllat.eA S.G,