Boy's Cinema (1930-31)

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Evei^ Tuesday "Ta|k sen?e!" sneered Kellev. "-Jf you do that, you'll give the game away. c li?.^'^',^''"* "^ ^''■'^y 'f ^'^ gets to the held! shouted Louie wildlv, fidgetino- impatiently with his gun. '■He'll be too late, I reckon," said anothei- of the crooks, Hansen bv name peering out. "The e^^press is ready to i^^ !f'"°.u° o""'"^ ^^'P*'* *'!«■ parachute towards the flymg field, and Bob Rogers c;ame gently to earth a few hundred J arcs from the express, just as the mechanics drew back for it to start Disentangling himself from the cling- lug folds of the parachute. Bob ro^ to h,s feet and ran at full epeed for the held, shouting as he went. The grouo and staled m astonishment at the huriT- Jiig rigure. ■' "P'OP! Stop'".veiled Bob. "Danger'- t , fhV'"V\'"?'r"^'" ^^'d ^^•- Bradfoi'd t) the pilot of the e-xpress. "I must .ee what that fellow means " .'It's Bob Rogers!" cried a dozen ^°A7,« afi_ the ex-pilot ran up. ^ VVhats the matter. Rogers?' asked Bradford as Bob reached his side BOVS CINEMA as much as the boss will. I sure don't e"P' yoi] "hen you meet him'" of'^r,V,-r ?; f""' his nnluckv idea ot enlisting the services of Bob Rogers was too much cast down even to answer to'L^'^.^'v"'*^'P'»"e I'P there!" gasped rS?.^H ^"r^ ' S^"e °f crooks^in U st;Vlhe^^iJl"ar^'''"^"■ ^'"^ "^^'^ -^ lB;aS^;^ts^i;!L!;^-«-'^" demanded ilinh ".? '"t''e.'plane with 'em." said |Bob, 'but I didn't know what thev verc after until ten minutes ago. Then l?uS.-' ""'^ ''^ "'" P-'^-^^h^"'^. and L'Dhne \*;r'> '""'^^f^, i^^P f'om that l!n„ f!^' R • ,/e?'"ked a mechanic, turn- pDg to Bradford eagerly. ^''They're going off!'" cried another nechanic, looking .,p at the strange It wa« true enough. Through their asses the crooks had watched Ro"^ers benTha^%h' "P-"^^' ^'«' "'^-V ^nlw aen ttia^ the game was up. Keller- fci-nod the aeroplane, and hiaded awaV for the south, while the other gangster, ^nhT'Sr''"^'-'-^ '''^ ^'-^ --»^--' "We've sure said a lot, Kellev" re narked Lome finally, "but we a'vi sa,^ The New Mechanic. ' \X/^^^^', ""r"^^! '^ ^"sn't our fault." VV said Kelley plaintivelv. "Wc ^^In * •' ^ ■■ "'"^-'^ ♦'''^ guy AVUS gcing to jump. "I'd liave plugged him before he reached giound only Kelley stopped me. grumbled Lome. ■les. that's It. You're all too fast iMth your guns and not fast enough with J-our brains," growled the tall, good- looking man to whom these remarks «ere addressed as he glared angriiv from one to the other. faflf'te,.''?'^ not taken the 'plane ve,-v tar attei his failure to intercept the ^^P^-f^- He had left it in the gang's secret hiding-place, not many miles fron' 1^ "t'h ''^'■'' J"1 T''- *''<- "ext morn- ii.g, the crooks had assembled in their apartment on the outskirts of the town ihe boss had come to meet them, verv angry ;,t thea failure on the previou's day, and. as Ix>me had guessed Kellev heard .some caustic comments on his bad management of the affair. 'What could we have done but make a get-away?" wailed Kellev. hZ^^^yy "°* *''^ point.- thundered the an^.. ^ ^''^ ■'■°" ;■" '^'^ "ifonnation! and you ve no more brains than to come right over the town. You knew Xn It tT'l' '''' '"'""- •■'"•J J-O" knew the way t was going. Whv didn't vou wait tor ,t along the route ■'"■' ^ ^ D.dn t think of it," muttered Kellev As I said. No brains." came tlie sneering reply, -^And anvone but a fool would have found out if Ro-ers ' would stand in with ns before bHtrgmg pilot tne plane, anyway'" .eS'K^lfc**^'' ''^'"' *^«" ^"^ of -." "No doubt." said the boss, "but vou were a fool to bring him. al the same Now get this. Noxt time I'll do Z t. iTvoIf" ""'' ^*'"'" '^^ "•'•^"-^ "''at ] " Wish I'd plugged that ff'IT. inourned Louie fiom a corner, and the U^^^mslanlly ,.„neci on hin, in hc'e "Th^et'''"''! ^^ ""> '^'"'"='" ''^ ^■'i'-''- Iheie ., too much at stake lo lake such risks! 1 "i^'"V'; ''°^^'" innttcred Louie sul- let^tliat^^guy Rogers get away with it ■■No." replied the bo.,s. "I'„i puttiurv S°nt"him^"^' 'm,"''" ^'^ '■'■" -''-' ^ want nun. Vou 11 see ;;Where is he now?" asked Kellev. .Pinvf ' n'l b"«'"ess," came the 'sliaip leloit. and the boss of the gan- went whe,-:^l'°"/ '='-^"'"S anything fs to l^.b' heieabouts. an omission which aftcr- trou'i^e.'"" '^"^ "'"''^^ considerable Bob Rogers was still at the aiipoit. He told his stoiy m full to Mr. Brad- ford, who w;ent oft- to report to the manager, asking Bob to wait 1 ,'n-^^," °"t of a job, Rogers'-' asked Bradford when he came baHc. ' '■Guess I an," ..ppijed Bob ruefullv befoi^t'l '' ^1' ^"' °"^ "'"' Kellev betoie 1 knew he was a crook, but " How would you like to work here as a mochatiic?" interrupted Bradford, agrees."" ^^''' '^^"'"''•''' '^"'' ''« slowTv'""" riV";. ^^/'- .^''-'dfo'.-d." said Bob siouu. I II think it over. tl.f"*« ^''^^'"'c P'«<'"t'.v walked across the flying fields, wondering whether Juumy Devine was still alive He h-,d no dared to ask Air. Bradford, for i e tl t"hk°l-'"''r ^'"^ '}'" ''^P'^- """I'' »>« , hat his riend was dead. And. if so how could Bob accept a job as mechamc I nel "rv"'^'l; ^^■''*'''^ '^"^ "■»"''' '^•"'♦aini; nieel tn-ace Devine again' Presently someone hailed him Why. if ir ain't Bob Rogers! Obd to see you. Bob. How are you?" "Hallo, Pete" said Bob.' recogni.-ii,.. fhe pilot who liad seen liim fly off m despair on the day of the crash asked^Pete"" ''°'"^ '''''^■'' ^^ "^'^ •'''™"'-^ ■" st-i'iW *«<^J'"^my?", ga.oped B<,b. staling at the speaker iu mingled astpnishmenl and hope. "Then "he isn t—he isn t " **How is he, doctor ? " a«kAH rr,/.« . '^^iiemSmmBm^U > "vioi . asKed Grace, in a whisper. " i want to know the truth. November 7tli. VKl.