Boy's Cinema (1930-31)

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Every Tuesday climbed out of the car, and as he came touaida Jim he squared his big shoulders and stuck out his chest in aggressive manner, whilst his thick lips opened to show clenched teeth. ■ His knuckles were bunched, and he looked like a heavy-weight boxer about to ad- minister a thrashing. Many a time this attitude had frightened those who stood in his way. It did not impress Jim in the least. The boy's hands clenched, and with eyes alert for a sudden blow, he waited. "Guess you'd better be careful how you talk." Winslow'g voice ^as ominous. "Unless you apologise "this instant there's going to be trouolc." "And you're the trouble. Ha, ha! You make me laugh," Jim sneered, and for a split second his eyes gazed straight at the girl. "Why should I apologise ? You wore driving too fast and carelessly, you've smashed up our tent and dam nigh finished me and my pard, and you're surprised because I ain't pleased. Reckon, lady, the best thin" you cati do is to go home to Nanna and take this big lapdog with you." "Oh—how dare you I" cried the girl. "I'm going to smash you for this!" cried Wiiifilow, and swung back his arm. But, strange as it may seem, the blow hit nothing, because Jim had ducked his head, but Winslow got a jolt when a hard-as-iron fist battered his ribs just below the heart. Winslow had an ungovernable temper and the blow made him see rod. Wildly he rushed at the slim figure, hit nothing, and got a straight left on the point of the jaw that hurt. He tried to hug his opiX)nent, but Jim was not there, and a left-right made his cars burn bj- the force of the blows. Then ho saw Jim's face and swung a vicious hook, but the blow hit the boy on the shoulder, and next second a fist was in Winslow's right eye. This time a grunt of pain escaped his lips. "Sock him, Jim," shouted Ben. " Give the big palooka a tousing. Knock him cold. Let mc know if you want any help." Helen decided that this fight had gono quite far enough. Her father would be furious if ho hoard, and she would probably get the blame. For some strange reason she did not want this fearless youngster to get hurt. Besides, it was all her fault. Helen knew when she was in the wrong, though she would not have ad- mitted the fact pub- licly. Just as the two men wero about to chargo in again, the girl leaped out of her car and rushed be- tween them. "Stop fighting at once !" she ordered. "I won't have it!" Her eyes stared into those of the boy, who suddenly grinned. "I think you've got very bad manners." "Maybe, but you've gpt mighty fine eyes." Jim's temper vanished. "Geo, how I like that dimple. I suppose we rouldn't fix up a date, I might care to stay around this district for a spell." BOY'S CINEMA ■'Impertinence! You ought to go back to school!" Helen tossed her head. "Harry, let's get going. I won't have a fight, but I won't stav here and listen to the babblings of a cfiild." "You're a pretty kid," Jim called after her. " Wouldn't like to leave your name and address, I suppose ?" Helen made no answer, though she had to lay a restraining hand on Wins- low's arm. "Let me pulverise him," he whispered. Helen shook her head decidedly and started the engine. The car backed out of the tent, turned and then shot away over the grass. Ben was doubled up with mirth. "We sure handled them two fine," he chortled. "That big galoot looked fit to bust. The lass could do with a good sijanking." "Yeah; you'i'e right, Ben." Jim stared thoughtfully after the fast- disappearing car. "I hope I see that girl again." " You leave the women alone," growled Ben. "The}''re more dangerous than a six-shooter. Let's got on with this dunged tent and forgot about 'em. Keckon we'll have to cut new poles." Jim was quite quiet as he set about helping Ben erect the tent. N' Enemies. EXT morning Jim and Ben broke camp, piled their tent and belong- ings on the schooner, rounded up the half-dozen young ponies and took the trail. "Mighty good idea bringing these mustangs along." Ben chewecf at his pipe. " Reckon you'll get a good price, buddy?" "Better than carrying money. Ban- dits can take money, but they wouldn't find it easy taking the horses." Jim had lit a cigarette. "Besides, old Sutter asked me to bring along any colts that wore going cheap. He has had a darned 11 thin time. Bad luck he should hav« been laid up with those rustlere about.' "We're just a couple of wandering punchers?" asked Bon. "Do we stand to get a pay-roll?" " Sure, if wo got the rustlers," Jim laughed. "Old Frank's offered me a thousand bucks to stop this rustling. I'd do it for nothing because he was a real pal to my father in the early days." "Yoah. so you told me," Bon nodded. "I'm sure eager to get at them rustlers, for I ain't loosed off a gun for months." "Don't forgot to act a bit simple.'" .Tim was grinning from oar to ear. "You oughta be able to do that fine." "Sure I—here, you'ro pulling my leg I" growled Bon. "Dang me, but you're a pal I Mighty good thing you ain't a rustler, or " "Not so loud," cautioned .lim. "The forests have ears, and wo ain't far from the Bar L." Both Jim and Bon decided that the hacienda of Frank Sutter was a com- fortable building, but tlioy wero stag- gered to see women in muslin holding gay sunshades over largo hats, ohildron who screamed and yelled, and a number of young men. "Go-^ili. old man Suttor's turned Ua dive into a guest house!" gasped Jim. "Things must be bad for him to go to that length." They parked the .schooner under the trees, hitched the lod horses, and then made towards the ranch-house. But sharp eyes had observed ihoir approach, and Harry Winslow stepped through an open fronch window. "What do you men want here? We don't want any hoboes." "So you are " Jim recoveri d from his surprise. "Geo, ain't this a welcome! We want to see Mr. Sutter." "I represent Mr. Sutter. I am the manager." "We heard back at Cross Trails that punchors wore wanted." Jim nudged I'm running this show I " snarled Winslow. He glanced down at Jim's hand and caught lus breath as he saw the ring. November 2Stb, 1931.