Boy's Cinema (1930-31)

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BOY'S CINEMA 19 Every Tuesday Follow a two-fisted sea-captain and the beautiful daughter of a brave explorer as they sail on a perilous trip to a forgotten cannibal island, where they defy storm, fire and water, man and beast, on a search for a fortune in radium» Starring Kenneth Harlan and Lucille Browne. READ THIS FIRST. In search of ■pitchblende deposits con- tainiiig immense quantities of precious radium. Professor Adams and his com- panions are beset by savages on a volcanic island off the African coast, and Adams escapes with one surviving follower, Cebu, his giant negro guide. In America his daughter Bonnie and her uncle. Dr. Anthony Adams, have become alarmed at his failure to com- tnuniuite with them. Ben Arnold, an adventurer professing friendship, offers to fit out a relief expedition. His ship, the Lottie Carson, sets sail under the command of Harry Drake, a young Englishman, and for companion Bonnie engages Arlene Chandos, who is in league with Arnold. Professor Adams and Cebu are picked up by the Lottie Carson off the coast of Africa. The professor is dying, but before passing away he gives Bonnie a chart and charges her to secure the radium for the benefit of humanity. After a storm in which Dr. Anthony and Cebu are washed overboard, the ship puts into Twamballa, where Harry is paid off. But, thinking he knows too much, Arnold and Black plan to kill him. They enlist the aid. of Lascara, the dago owner of the hotel where they are staying overnight, and a sinister power in the African port. He stages a quarrel over a native girl, and, despite the inter- vention of Bonnie and a handful of ship- mates, Harry is hustled to the back of the premises and thrown to hungry trocodiles. Now Read On. A Network of Lies. IN the instant that Harry Drake was tossed- into the crocodile pit, Briney flung down the men with whom he had been struggling, and scattered those who had been responsible for the fiendish act. At the same time Collins, Burke and Connor camo nmning from the bar- room, where they had routed the villain- ous gangsters against whom tl)oy had been opposed, and as tlicy appeared on the scene the rest of Lascara's hirelings took to their heels. Briney lurched to the edge of the death-pool. He Tvas babbling broken sentences in a voice that trembled with emotion. "The skipper's gone!" ho moaned. " Done for. They chucked him to the crocodiles." And then he stopped, for as he looked <lown into that ghastly well with a feel- ing of sickness and horror he saw a figure clinging to the side of it. Scarce two foot below the parapet there was a narrow ledge, and in fall- ing Harry Drake had managed to clutch it with his hands. Ho was hanging there by the tips of his fingers now, but at any moment seemed likely to lose his grip and drop into the midst of the hungry reptiles beneath him. As it was. tho loathsome creatures were leaping towards him, and a tumult filled the pit as their jaws snapped close to liis heels and their bodies fell back into the muddy water with heavy .splashes. "Lend a hand!" roared Briney. "There's a chance for him yet 1" C^JP*-*^ EPISODE 4. "DEVIL worshippers; Bonnie darted to his side, and she was the first to follow Brincy's example and reach down to seize the Englishman by the wrists. Next second Harry was being dragged from the well. He was as pale as death, but .squared his shoulders with an effort and gave his rescuers a word of thanks. Then his brow darkened ominously. "It looks to me as if this fight was a framc-iip," he ground out, "and I've an idea who was at the back of it!" A girl was standing in the doorway watching the group furtively. The girl was Arlene Chandos, and as she heard the young captain's words she turned and hurried back across the bar-room towards a flight of stairs leading to the upper floor of Lascara's premises. Ben Arnold and Bull Black were at tho foot of the staircase in company with the rascally Portuguese proprietor, and as Arlene approached them Ben Arnold flung a question at her. " Vvhoic's Bonnie?" he demanded. "1 thought vou went through to get her cut of that fight." "There wasn't any need to," Arlene retorted. "The fight's over." Arnold took a step forward, ai.d : "What happened?" ho asl:od her eagerly. "What did you expect?" tl.:- 7irl rejoined, her lip curling slightly. "I told you Drake was as hard as nails. He and his friends cleaned up Lascara's entire gang— ■ —" "Here comes Drake now," Bull Black interrupted suddenly. "Lot's get upstairs." Harry had appeared in the bar-room with Bonnie and the men v.ho had stood by him. The saloon wore a deserted air, though two or three of Lascara's men wore b'ing around in huddled positions. Harry had eves only D^iWiBtjer !9th. 1931. (