Boy's Cinema (1930-31)

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Every Tuesday It dropped to the grass unheeded. Harry was new in the grip of many pairs of arn.s snd was hftcd clear of the ground, but by a superhuman effort he managed to find his footing again and, with his fists in free play, he lashed out fiercely. He knew tho savage cult which the Zarbcssa called their religion—knew that capture would bo followed by torture a:id death before their primitive idols within an hour. Desperation gave him a strength that was superhuman, and two went down under his blows. But the first pair whom he had tackled no*' roso to weigh the scales as heavily against him. He actually managed to break from that swarm of black humanity, and as he saw Bonnie scramble to her feet he shouted to her to make off. She whipped round, and he started after her at the double, but one of tho bushmen who had been knocked to the ground clutched him by the ankle before he had gone two paces. Ho managed to avoid falling, and plucked his foot from the negro's cla-^p. But tho momentary check proved fatal, for as he attempted to run on he was surrounded again, and this time the whole pack of savages made a deter- mined effort to drag him down. Bonnio turned back and threw herself into tho struggle frenzicdly, beating at the Englishman's attackers with her clenched hands. She was unheeded for a few seconds, then one of the black fiends wheeled and caught her up in his arms. He dashed her to the grass and stooped over her to tlireaten her with his great, dusky fist. But there was no need to strike. For, bruised and shaken, terrified by tho .ipparition of that hideous, tattooed face lowering over her, Bonnie uttered a little moan and fainted. Scarcely thirty paces distant, the crouching figure of Lascara watched the scuffle. Ho saw Harry Drake battling gamely against the overwhelming odds, and he saw him dragged under the sway- ing mass of black humanity. He watched the devil worshippers sprawl over the young Englishman's prone form and strike at him brutally as he lay. Presently Harry ceased to resist his assailants. He was still half-conscious, but had been battered and trampled into helplessness. There was a tumult of voices all about him, voices clamouring in tho wild Zarbessa dialect of (he bush. Strong hands closed on his arm.s and legs and lifted him from tho ground. His captors ignored (ho prostrate figure of Bonnie, and, in spite of stupor and despair, Harry was thankful that tho primitive fiends who had him in their power showed no wish to take the girl along wi(h them to their fastness in (ho hinterland. Abandoning Bonnie, they carried the Englishman (owards the jungle. Lascara followed them with his eyes iintil the darkness swallowed tho group, and his evil face wore an expression of satisfac- tion. Ho could now a.ssure Arnold and Bull Black that Drake would worry (hem no more, and before inorning Arnold would 2iay tho prico agreed upon. The night was still except for a far-off .sound that came from the remote depths of the jungle. It was the mutter of native drums in the distant village of the Zarbessa. (To be continued in another breath- taking episode next week. By permis- sion of the Universal Pictures, Ltd., starring Kenneth Harlan and Lucille Browne.) BOY'S CINEMA i "A HANDFUL OF CLOUDS." i M (Continced irom page 18.) ^ detective smiled grimly at the puzzled expression that came into Louie's face. "Too bad that I should hit against that kid you sent to the delicatessen, wasn't it ? I soipehow thought you'd be in this neighbourhood—the place of your childhood days, you know. Well, I got talking to that kid who's a little friend of mine, and when he asked for youi particular brand of cigarettes, I knew I'd traced you." "Well, what you going to do about it '!" Louie's voice was harsh and a murderous light flashed in his eyes. "Think you're going to take me?" "No." Again Fat smiled. "I'm just going to bid you good-bye." "Good-bye'^" Louie reiterated in astonishment. " What the devil do you mean ?" "Just this. That Rocco and some score of his toughs are waiting for you outside with a handful of clouds." O'Giady shrugged his shoulders as a startled gasp burst from Louie's suddenly white lips. "Too bad that you walked out on them, then came back and shot up Gympy and the Midget. Gee, they're sure mighty sore with you, ].x5iiie, take it from me." "H'm! " Louie affected a sudden air of bravado. " Putting the breeze up me, aren't you ? Well, I'll get out of it." . "Like you got out of gaol, I suppose ?" scoffed Pat. Louie smiled and nodded. "Well, let me tell you," O'Grady wont on in his slow, drawling tone, "that the fixing to get you out of gaol was done by Kocco's gang so they could get the kick of humping you oflF themselves. They were waiting outside the prison for you when you es- caped, but you went tho wrong way. But someone tipped them off you had scuttled down here." "I don't believe a word yon say." Louie tried to as- sure himself that there was no truth in what O'Grady said. " You're just trying to put the breeze up me." Pat shrugged, and, crossing to the window, Louie took a hasty glance out- side. Lurking shadows across the road caused him to spring back with a terrified gasp. No mistaking now that Pat had spoken the truth. "Pat, for Heaven's sake take me back to gaol!" Louie shrilled. " Anywhere rather than " " No go, Louie. You see, the law prefers it this way. It'll save us no end of trouble." The detective turned to tho door, then paused with his fin- gers on tho handle. 23 "Well, it's the finish, Ix)uie, but you can rest assured I'll ^ee that that book of yours is ended properly. And now —good-bye." His face pale as death, Louie hsteiicd to Pat's footsteps descending the stauf, then, when he could hear them no longer, he flung his gun on the dirty bed and burst into a hysterical laugh. For a moment or two he stood where he was, his mind a turmoil of bilte- thoughts. Then, with a pathetic shrug of his shoulders, he suddenly wont to n cracked mirror, adjusted his tic, patted his hair with fingers that trembled. There was no possible avenue of escape. The avengers would wait and wait till he did appear in the street. Best die as lie had lived, a fearless and reckless young man. A further moment's hesitation, then, bracing himself, he picked up Iris hat and r.immcd it on his head. In two firm strides ho reached the d(x)r. Down tho stairs and out on to the sidewalk, to be instantly met by a withering volley of revolver-fire that came from across the road. So ended the reign of Louie Ricarno, no doubt the most clever and daring racketeer who ever menaced the city of Charleswoith. And, in due time, hi.s life's history appeared on every book- stall in the city, and the books sold like hot cakes. " The ' Doonvay to Hell ' is a oneway door. There is no retribution—no plea for further clemency. Louie walked through it with hie head np and a smile on his lips to his doom." Thus ran the end, which had been written by Captain Pat O'Grady. (Based on the film " A Handful of Clouds," by permission of Warner Bros. Pictures, Ltd., starring Lew Ayres as Louie Ricarno; Dorothy Mathews as Doris; Leon Janney as Jackie Lamarr: Robert Elliott as Captain O'Grady; James Cagney as Steve Mileaway; Noel Madison as Rocco.) WOUIDYOU IIKE FREE RIIEY BIIIIARDTABIE Write for details r UAAAE? and price list. /oryOUrWWJn^Zl E. J. RILEY LTD., Howard Works, ACCRINCTON. And at Vepl. 3.'., 147, Aldersgate HI., LOSDOy. E.C.I: WHAT BOYS WANT FOR XMAS! BOY DETECTIVE OUTFITS. OF COXTRSEI Theyro great t I Driiuful with novelty, lun. and aimisemcnt I I I NOW'S the time to aiaic n this eraiid now hobby for boys ! I WORLS-FAMOTTS SECRET SERVICE OUTFITS, with radio, invisible and mystic tire inks, mrmbrr.ship badge. (Iniferprint powder, secret codmiiefer. etc.. etc. TEN ITEMS, all winnel'S, includuig book. •■ THINGS THE BOY TEC SHOULD KNOW." only 1/-. Or I.areer PresentatioH Onttit. with extra tincerprint album, magnifyiil!! lens. etc lonrleen items, only 2.6. DISGUISE OUTFITS—contain Greasa Paints (Sallow or Chimse. Sunburn or Red Indian). Moustaches. Hair (assorted colours. Rtino\abl< Jvars and Warts, liquid for blacking ou( front teeth. etc TTWELVE ITEMS. includine valuable book. ■■SECRETS OF DISGUISE," for only 1/6. Or larger, with extra ere.Tse paints, monocle tK-ard. etc.. only 2/6. NETV FINGERPRINT OUTFITS, a complete outfit for cipcrts, EIGHT ITEMS, inch), ling bo.ik. ■•ALL ABOUT FINGERPRINTS." 2/ . BLACK DOMINO OUTFITS, with Revolver. Bullets Handcuffs, Call-Whistle, gold-plated Badge, and Black Domine Mask SIX ITEMS for 2/1 All the above are sent post free and by return .^ handsome membership ticket anj registered number is ^ven. free to each purchaser Don't delay I Join the Boys' Secret Association TO-DAY I THE BOY DETECTIVE SUPPLY STORES. DESK B.C , 32. CATHCART STREET. GREENOCK. (Foreign Postage 3d. in the shilling extra.) December 19tb, 1931.