Boy's Cinema (1930-31)

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28 jntcrvoncrl. The effect of the lemon syrup had Ijrcn ahiiost completely ciadi- catcd by tliis alarming crisis. "Pop," she cried, "the boys are not tolling the truth. They're just saying that to save Mr.s. Talley." "How about releasing Mrs. Talley on a bond?" asked Egbert. "Thafs up to the judge," growled the chief of police. "About a thou.sand dollars. I gue.«s." Wattcrs was hovering in the back- ground, trying not to look fis satisfied as he felt, and Tonui'iy chanced to glance in his direction. ■' I've got it, Egbert," he whispered. "The fellow who sold us that Pepo Lemon Syrup." "That's right," nodded Egbert. "Say, cl'.ief, we've got the answer. There was a fellow in here the other day left that stuff " "Wliat's his name?" "hey confessed that they did not know the vendor's name; ho had delivered the cask for cash down. Chief Morton laughc<l scornfully in their faces, and Sergeant Clancy began to lead his prisoner away. "Walters knows his name!" cried Tommy desperately. ■■ I don't know what you're talking about," declared VV«tters indignantly. "You don't? I saw you shaking hands with him just like he was an old friend." Morten glared. "Are you trying to tie me up in this?" exploded Watters. "Say, chief, these fellows wouldn't stop at anything." " I iknow where they're going to stop for a while !" was the grim retort. "See you later, chief," said Watters, and lie went off as though in a hurry. "Egbert," whispered Tommy, "if we BOY'S CINEMA don't do something, that bird's going to grab this store." "Cut out that whispering!" stormed Morton. "Pop," pleaded Peggy, "you've f/ol to listen to me. I know who that lemon syrup fellow is. I mean I—er—I know where he is, I think." "Where?" chorused Tommy and Egbt>rt eagerly. "Hi, hi, hi, I'll do all the question- ing!" said Morton gruffly. "Out with it, Peggy I" "Well, while I was driving by in Madisou Street, I .'•aw him in the door- way of the Sanderson Apartment House. A man was helping him <arry boxes in there." "Great !" cried Egbert jubilantly. "Come on, chief well fimi that fellow !'' The red face of the chief of police went redder than ever. "Wait a minute—wait a miimte !" he howled. "Where d'you get that "we' stuff? ril find him. but you guys will ha\ e to go along witli me, in case vou've got sense enough to identify iiim." _ "We'd know that face any place," declared Egbert. "Come on. Tommy." "Mrs. Talley," said Morten, "don't forget you're under arrest. Clancy, you .stay with her till we get back. Come on. Peggy !" The four went out and climbed into the police tender, watched by. a noisy crowd held back by the police. I'ommy, Egbert and Peggy sat in the back with a sergeant; the chief sat in front with the driver, and the vehicle swei)t (ff down the long thoroughfare. Every- body imagined that Tommy and Egbert were being taiken to gaol, and Watters, who was waiting and watching in a doorway, rubbed his hands with delight. Every Tuesaay Merry Christmas ! AFTER the apparent arrest of tho two drug-store keepers, the crowd on tho pavement dwindled. Watters, deciding that the moment for action had arrived, strolled cut from his hiding-place and approached the premises. The police permitted him to enter, and he made straight for Sergeant Clancy, who knew him well, though not nearly so well as he imagined he did. "How are you, Clancy?" said the ■schemer pleasantly. "I want to have a talk with Mrs. "Talley, if you don't mind." Clancy raised no objection, and Wattcrs went to the rear of the store where Mrs. Talley was sitting dis- piritedly in a chair. "This is an unfortunate thing,"_ ho said sympathetically. "I'm terribly soiry." "I don't know what to make of it all." she faltered. "Well, Mrs. Talley, I've always tried to help you out, and I don't intend to stop now," he told her. "Never too late to mend, you know." He pidled up a chair and sat beside her, and Ixe produced a legal-looking document from his podket. "Now you signi this paper," he urged, "turning the store over to us, and we'll saddle all your debts. And as far as the Old Ladies' Home is concerned— why, here's a cheque for the necessary two hundred." She took the document and the foun- tain-pen he offered with it, and she looked hesitatingly at the cheque he held in his hand. "I—I'll sign it," she decided. The document was signed and handed over, and Watters presented her with the cheque. Longer runs and heavier loads with Hornby Trains The 1931-32 Hornby Book of Trains Better evea than last year ! Page after page of fascinating information, and every page illustrated ! All the splendid Hornby Locomotives, Rolling Stock and Accessories are depicted in full colour. You must have this book ! It can be obtained for 3d. from your dealer, 7'^e Hornby or post free from Meccano Ltd. for sid. in stamps. Single Arm Lamp Stan- dard. Boys, tell Dad now boat the present ;oa wUh him to give yoa at Christmas. Tell him you want a Hornby Train Set, If be asks why, tell him that— Hornby Trains g/t'c longer nitis and haul heavier loads. They arc strong and reliable. They are reeilisHc and one htmdred per cent efficient. They are beautifully finished in correct colours. Above all, they are British, atul therefore best, and every one i* fully guaranteed. This most be a Hornby Christmas for every boy who is keen on model trains 1 Get a copy ot the Hornby Book of Trains described here, and make your choice now. If you prefer to have an ordinary price list, you may obtain a copy of catalogue No. 6 from your dealer, free ol charge, or direct from Meccano Ltd., price Id. Write to Department K. PRICES OF HORXItY TBAISS FROM SI- VPtVARDS. HORNBY TRAINS BRITISH AND GUARANTEED MECCANO LIMITED (DEPT. K) OLD SWAN LIVERPOOL l>ecc'niljvr 19tb, 1981.