Boy's Cinema (1930-31)

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BOY'S CINEMA 21 Every Tuesday Follow a two-fisted sea-captain and the beautiful daughter of a brave explorer as they sail on a perilous trip to a forgotten cannibal island, where they defy storm, fire and water, man and beast on a search for a fortune in radium! Starring Kenneth Harlan and Lucille Browne. ' Syg^^^^^ "^ ^ READ THIS FIRST. fn fcarch of pitchblende deposit.^ con- taining' immennc quantities of precious radium^ Professor Adams and his com- panions are beset by sa cages on a rolcanic island off the African coast, and Adams escapes with one surviving follower, Cebu, his giant negro guide. In America his daughter Bonnie and her uncle. Dr. Anthony Adams, hare become alarmed at his failure to com- municate with them. Ben Arnold, an adventurer professing friendship, offers to fit out a relief expedition. His .^hip, the Lottie Carson, sets sail under the command of Harry Drake, a young f^nglishman, and for companion Bonnie engages .irlene Chandos, who is in league with .Arnold. Professor Adams and Cebu are picked up by the LotHe Carson off the coast of .Africa. The professor is dying, hut before passing away he gives Bonnie a chart and charges her to secure the radium for the benefit of humanity. .After a storm in which Dr. Anthony and Cebu are washed overboard, the ship puts into Twamhalla, where Harry is paid off. But, thinking lie knows too much, Arnold and Black plan to kill him. They bribe a Portuguese saloon- owner, Lascara, who arranges for the Zarbessn, a tribe of jungle devil-wor- shippers, to kidnap Harry and sacrifice him to their idol. Harry is attacked while he is with Bonnie, and is carried off. Now Read On. The Jungle Track. SHORTLY after Harry Drake left Laseara's'bar-rooiii to join Bonnie Adams, Brincy and those sailor- nicn who had remained loyal to the young Englisli sea-captain might have been seen strolling along the seashore. They had decided to enjoy the cool of the night, and also to discuss the plan Harry had formed in order tc baffle Ben Arnold's nefarious designs. "You know," Briney was saying, "wc got fired ofT the Lottie Carson along with the skipper, but we ain't gonna be so very far away from the craft when she weighs anchor an' sets sail for Danger Island." "I understand Bull Black's been made captain," put in Burke, "and has signed en about eight new men. I reckon Arnold don't mean to tacklo Danger Island shorthanded, but all the same a couple o' dozen ain't too many for a place li'ke that." The seamen strolled on, and were at least a mile from the port when they decided to turn back. The beach took a wide curve, however, and it seemed plain folly to make so long a business of the return journey when a short cut was availabtb. Briney pointed to the jungle, which crowded down to the very edge of the sand and formed a vast semi-circle about Twamballa. A path was visible, running like a dark scar through the tangled masses of vegetation and flora. " Don't let's walk round by the EPISODE 5. MUTINY." beach,"' the big I'elluu ilei-laie.l. " Tliis tratfk through the bush looks as if it oughta take us near the town." Burke, Collins and Connor agreed, but the last-named had a word of warning to add. "The Zarbcssa arc around," he re- minded his companions. "An' don't forget what Captain Drake said about them takin' white men as a sjicrificc to their jungle gods. Stick together, boys," an' keep your eyes peeled." "Aw, we've got guns, ain't we?" Briney scoffed, tapping his hip signifi- cantly. " If them black swabs tried to grab any one of us, wc"d fill 'em so full o' holes'that the wind would play ttmes in their dirty carcasses. Come on, you fellers." And he led tiic way into the bush. They marched in single file, and Ivad been tramping the jungle path for five minutes or more when they saw that it joined another trac^k, and they wore ap- proaching thc~ fork when the swift pad- ding of naked feet reached their cars. Briney suddenly came to an abrupt halt and crouched down, signing to his shipmates to imitate his example. A moment later they perceived a number of dusky forms hastening past along the other track. "Shiver mo timbers!"' Briney whis- pered. " If it ain't them inhuman fiends the Zarbcssa. I guess they're the bunch that came to Lascara's dive, and they must bo on their way back to their kraal." Even as he spoke Burlvc clutched his arm, and: "Look !" he said. "They've got some poor guy a prisoner." His com|ianions realised that he was right, for three or four of the blacks December 26th, 1931,