Boy's Cinema (1935-39)

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^8 carpet, ami lie asked liis uncle where lie had been Rtaiidirig. "Belter, finite iiiisiispioiously. vent over to tlic ' spot where he iiad been wlien liis wife had fired—and thereupon Carl Griflin fired! But this time the bnllct did not go out of the window! "Out from this room, in -which he had committed cold-blooded murder, (Iriffin went to tiic stairs. But Mrs. Veite was standing at the top of them, and JNIrs. Veite is a clever, calculating woman. At the |>ii<e of marrying her daughter she agreed to cover up his cvinie, oven sugge^ti-d tiial he should go out and get very thmik to es-tablish an alibi, and then wont down to h<-r duties as though nothing had happened, while Griflin acted upon her Bug— ^" Carl Giiflfin liad made a rush for the door, and Bpudsy had caught hold of him, yelling: - "Don't try to move! I got you in a ■ vice-like grip!" But'Spiidsy was sent Rprawling, and it was Jones and a couple of policemen . who .oveipowered the murderer and handcuflied him. Mrs. Veite sank into a chair, almost in a state of collapse, while hev golden- liaired daughter went off into hysterics and was led away. , . "You sec, Hoffman,'' said Perry, when Cjuiet had been restored, "if INIrs. ' Veite liadii't /tried to blackmail Griffin , ([uite so soon thev might have got aw'ay ^ with it." i "But What about the proof?" challenged Hoffman. "There's still • I lie " 1 . "The matter x>i an empty cartridge," I'erry comjileted for him, and thrust a hand into a jiocket and held out tlie missing cartridge. "Here it is. I took the liberty of appropriating it last night. Your ballistic expert will identify it." "Thank you, _Perry!" cried Eva Belter treniulou-*ly. "Much obliged, Perry," said Iloff- ■ man; and then Perry dashed from the 'ooin with Spitdsy at his heels. • «•#•• In the night court where Perry and Delia had Wen made man and wife the uight before, Delia was standing before the bench, a pitiful figure, listening to what Maiy Florence O'Daiighcity had to say concerning the matrimonial troubles which had been described to her. "Young lady," said the judge, "you're still Mrs. Ma>on, and there's not a thing I can do about it!" The door nt the back of the court swung wide, and in rushed Perry, with ■ Spixlsy. "If the court please " he began. "And what kind of a performance do you call tliis. Perry Mason?" rapped tlie judge. "Your honour!'' Periy reached the BOY'S CINEMA beiich, and over th6 top of ii- he said: "Oh; gee, Mary ¥., you remember you said you owed nie a nickel for a jiaper I delivered twenty yeai-s ago? Well. I'll forget iill about it if you'll bo a pifl." Mary ¥. smiled and nodjjed. "Court's adjourned for a ten-minute iccess," she announced, and left the boncli to. open the door in the wall at, the back of-it. "Come with me, you two children !" Perry- walked beside Delia into the room, and the door was dosed just as Spudsy reached it. ."*^ay. lire you with IMv. 'Mason's party T' inquired the bailiiV ^^llo had put that self-same question the evening before. "Am I ^vith Mr. Mason's party?" cried »Spudsy indignantly. " Airi't you ever seen iiiy picture in the )>ai)er? I'm the. guy that solves all his cases!" "Then," said the bailiff, holding out a telephone, ".see if you can solve what this dame's talkin' about!'' took the telephone. A woman was on "the other end of the .line,, and she stuttered; but it became evident that she desired to engage the services of Peny Mason. "'Soi a chance!" Spudsy cut her short. "Mr. Mason's been sent up for life—er—out of town. Pinehurst Lodge!" . >. In-the room behind the bench, Mary Florenoo O'Daiigherly experienced no difficulty -whatever in effecting a re- conciliation, since D«lla had gone (o the court only to toaoh her errant hu.sband a lesson; and half an hour afterwaids Perry and Delia were seated side by side in, the ■streamlined saloon, and .Sjnidsy was at the whoel. "Oh, darling, you'll love it up there!", declared Perry. " And jjlease believe me, I'll never take anothei- criminal case." "Promise?" pouted Delia. Perry not only pioniised. but sealed the promise witha kiss. He had no idea that a woman who stuttered, and a man who had a gun in his pocket vverQ following the s;doon in a la\ioab, the driver of which had been instructed to take thein to Pinehurst Lodge! (By perrnission of Warner Brothers Pictures, Ltd., starring Warren William, with Claire Dodd and Winifred Shaw.) DON'T FORGET ''UNDERSEA KINGDOM" The amazing new serial starting soon ! Every Tuesday THE SMELL OF FEAR The art of training a wildoal to eal meat out of your hand without calint; the hand as well is simplicity it.>e!f. Petinie Eenfro, a real-life Tarzan by trade, says that it is all in how you eye the animal. An unflinching sture, com- bined with a set of knockless knees, and teeth that don't chatter except in con versation, rtre all that is required. "You really control an animal with your eyes,'' says Reiifro, potentate ol what is probably Hollywood's inost peculiar iirofessiou. "That establisho' your dominance." Renfro makes a big busi-ness of sup plying trained domestic and wild animals to Hollywood studios.- His California ranch toBius. with assorted beasts, all jiroperly pacifie<l for use in pictures. Renfro liad jtist completed the most difficult assignment of his career for "A Day at the Races," Melro-Gokhvyn- Mayer jiicture starring the mad Marx Biothers. Oddly enough, it cohsiste<l not of taming a wild animal, but of training two otherwise peaceful English bulldogs to declare war on Chico Marx at sight. One of the scenes in the Mars movir requires that Chico be chased by two ferocious canines. "Wearing ( hico's familiar costume, Renfro spent tv.-o weeks teaching the two dogs to pursue him madly the moment lie ai>ji>eared hi Chico's clothes. He succeeded too well. Chico him- self happened to wander by while tl^e dogs were out being aired: He l'iflTt*-t«-, get himself a new pair of frou.sers. "It's a lot easier to train a wikl- animal to act. tame tlian to train "a tame animal to act wild." commented Renfro. "The main thing about taming wild animals is never to be 8i:are<l. V\1ieu you are frightened, your body gives off a certain odour that onlj' a. ■« ild animal can recognise.'' From then on it's got you licked. • ' ^ "If I am training a lion, for irisfanco. and he jumps towards me, 1 jump Ui wards him. He'll always stoji short." The first animal Renfro ever traiiuil was an African lion. He )iut the lidu through its (laces for six nionth^. then sold it. "He killed the next two fellpws he worked with," Renfro adds casually. Renfro makes a hobby as well as a business of taking a wild aninuil and turning it into a pet. Cnrrently. Ins favourite is a wildcat that rities aronnil with him in his car and eai* meat cmi of his hand. Training dog's to do tricks isn't too difficult a task, .Renfro advises. Patience, kindness and understanding are the basic requirements. ■i the"numatic" pistol MAKES ITS OWN PELLETS. Brecfh - Loading Bolt Action. Heavy Modul. Black finish. Fires potato, *. apple, &c., by compressed air. _ No licence required. With in.qtructions. j Colouinl pf.stago 1'- extra. Postagesa. - _ I HERBERTS & CO. (Dept. J64) 8, Clapham Park Road, London, S.W.4. -r BESTRONG iM-c .vnn IlrrUtli, Doubled S(rmigili, s\;nuiaa .iiid n.ishins Enei^jy iu 30 d:iv.^ nr niimcy baok I My amazing 4-iii-l Coiiisii .'iilcls 10-25 ins. lo your inusouUir (icvcldjini, lit (Willi 2 iii.s. on Cluiil and 1 in. on Ann.s). firiugs an Iron Will, rcrfitt. Si-lf-coulrol. Virile- Mauliuod, I'or.'ioiial Maemllsm. Surprise your friends! tViiinliM.e Courm:, 5'-, Dctnil.s fn-c, privali-ly.— STEBBINO INSTITUTE (A), 28, Dean Rd., I.ONDON, N.W.2. TALL BLUSHING, Your Height increased iu 12' dajs f.i ii(. rosl, N,v.- discovery adds 2-5 in.«. I gained 4 ins. c; unra iitcod sal.-. Full Coiu-s.- 5-. nt-lail.-i; J.B.Morley.S, Bream'sBldgs., Londou. B.C.4. Shyness, Nerves. Selt-consclousness. Worry Habit, Unreasonable Fears, etc.. cured or money back ! Complete Course. 5- Details— L A Stebblng. |A). 28. Dean Rd , Loudon.N W 2 STAMMERING! Cixre yovirself as I did. Particu- lars Free.-FRAN KB. HUGHES. 7. Southampton Row, Londou. AV.C^. „^^_ BE TALL Vniii- Ilf.iglil iiirr.-;iM(I ill 14 d.iV-1 01 il-jnt-y iri.k. foniiil. 1. nniii-.,f. 5'-. BoiikU-l ir- - Drivately. STEBBING SYSTEM (A), 28, Dean Road, LONDON. N.W.2. r^rWt m -BMWkf^ 300 DIFFERBNT, iml. Ai.-lit.v.]. B-allli- V'l'AIMUV fill I'liKiuililull ScK. riclonal.i. Cok.hials. |3 M. /^IyMM l9 I'll''' 6d. (Al.i-oail l'-.).-W. A. WHITE, *^ * »»»»» s^i^^ ENGINE I.ANE. I.YE. WORCS. BE SURE TO MENTION " BOY.'S CINEMA " WHEN COMMUNICATING WITH ADVERTISERS. .Printed In England and published cvcrv Tuesday by the I'roprletorj, Tin; AMAi,fi/VMATEi> I'r.KSS, Ltd., The l'luct«ay lluiiso, l':irrinf;don .Street, London. E,C.4. Advertisement Offices: Tlie Flcetway House, rarringdon .Street, London, E.G.*. Sub.scrlptlon Kates : Inland and ,Abroad, 11/- per annum ; 0/0 for six months. Sole Agents for Australia and New Zealand ; Messrs. Gordon & Getch, Ltd.; and for South Africiv: • Jauuary 9H», ie8«. Central News Agency, Ltd. 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