Boy's Cinema (1935-39)

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10 " On the floor 1" '"If 1 were writing this," said the cool voice of Peter Dean, "I'd say it was blood." "It is blood." Philip flashed a torch on the ground. Then ho gripped the handle of the door and jerked it open. He flashed his torch into the darkness. "Good heavens—look!" Tliere sprawled 'on the floor was the body of Donovan. "Is he dead?" whispered Peter. "Quite!" Philip said, after kneeling beside the body. "And the murderer has got the diamond." "Let's get out of this place," came the moan of little Hymie. "We've got to get through with this," Philip stated decidedly. "VVilliams, you look badly shaken, so you had better go upstairs and mount guard." "Yes, sir," Williams answered with alacrity. "Mert—j-ou better go get the police." "Get the police?" cried Mert. "I reckon it is about time we got the )5olice." "Pete, you go back to the hotel and ^vait for me." "WHiat! And leave you here!" Peter's eyes were indignant. "I'm stay- ing." "This,is no picnic, darling," Philip argued. "The murderer is likely to be back here any minute. The murderer kill(>d Donovan and got the diamond— he'll tiy to collect from Madame Li Tai." ,■ _ . "Let's save time by pretending you've given mo all your arguments and I've said I'm staying here." Philip smiled at her fondly. "I admire your nerve. All right, I\Fort, make tracks." Mei t and Hymie needed no second in- structions. They hastened out into the coiridor, and were half-way up the steps into the street, when they jnillcd up with a .jerk. " Help—help—^help!" Mert and T^-mic looked luick and hesi- tated. "Help—help—help I" "We gotta look into this," Mert said in quaking tones. "You go first, Hymie — I'll SCO no harm comes to you." Down the steps they went again, and now they observed an open door they had not seen before. They pushed it o)ien and Mcrt's torch revealed that it was a coal cellar. Suddenly the door behind them closed with a crash,* and thev heard the sound of a key turning in the lock. A mock- ing, horrible laugh made them shiver with foar, and they sighed their relief as they heard the footsteps fading away. "We gotta get outa here, and get the cops," whispered Mert, and flashed the torch. "Look, there's a shoot cover. If I stand on your shoulders I can get out that way." Five minutes later two coal-begrimed figmes managed to lever up the cover and drag themselves into the deserted street. Trapped at Last PHIUP closed the cellar door and hid the gruesome spectacle. He found a switch and, to his relief, it worked. Three dusty, weak lights ap- peared on the walls. The prop-room was full of grotesque shadows. Philip pulled out a gun. "This murderer may not conic back, but if he does he'll hav to settle with this!" He held un the g\in. "Better keep veiy quiet, Pete, so we can hear everything." "Very quietlv Philip went round the prop-room until he came tojinother door. He came hack to the girl March 27tti. 1937. BOY'S CINEMA "I want to see where that door leads to.'' "Don't leave me. I hato to admit it, but—I'm scared." Philip gave her the gun. "All right, take this—you'll be all right." The door closed with a slight thud behind him. The film star flashed his torch round the room, and saw that it was another section of the property-room. Then his light rested on a figure in a gorgeous kimono that wore a death's head mask. He was just thinking how amazingly life-like was the figure, when, to his horror, the figure moved. It was Li Yat. Peter Dean stared at the closed door with frightened eyes. She longed to call Philip back. She half-turned her head as if she heard a sound. She clutched the re- volver and wondered what would happen if she had the nerve to pull the trigger. Then her heart came into her mouth »s the door from the corridor opened slowly. A squat figure, with the face concealed by a black handkerchief, stood on the threshold. "Gimme that gun," the masked man snarled, threatening her with the re- volver in his hand. "And get away fi-om that door." NEXT WEEK'S THRILLING FILM DRAMAS! " LEGION OF TERROE " When a bomb addressed to a TTnited States senator is found in the sorting- office at Washington by Frank Marshall, a young postal-inspector, he and his . colleague, Shm Hewitt, are sent off to the town of Stanfleld to track down its sender—and become caught in the toils o{ a murderous organisation known as " The Hooded Legion." A sensational story, starring Bruce Cabot. " LADY REPORTER " There is deadly rivalry between two newspapers and a gangster sees a chance of making easy money and links up with the " Post." Two young men and a brave girl are involved in the crime wave that sweeps the city. Starring Ray Walker, Evalyn Knapp and Regis Toomey. Also Another grand episode of the amazing serial :— " UNDERSEA KINGDOM " Starring Ray Corrigan and Lois Wilde Every Tuesday Peter Dean let the masked man take the gun from her and she backed slowly away. Suddenly the man reached up and pulled down the black handkerchief. "Williams?" she gasped out. "If you mugs had had the brains of fleas you'd have spotted my phoney Englisli accent," sneered Williams. "You ought to make me the hero of your next book. I took the job with Van Mier to swipe that chunk of ice for Madame Li Tai." "You killed Van Mier?" " Yeah. I popped him. When you butted in I had to beat it, and Donovan got the diamond." Neither of them noticed that the door had moved slightly. "I thought Cokey Joe was going to spill something," Williams went on with a fiendish chuckle. "So I shut him up. Then 1 got Donovan." "Why aje you telling me this?" Peter managed to whisper. "Because these Chinks have plenty of ways of getting rid of fol.k what know too much," leered Williams. "This gat's got a silencer. Watch mo get Trent when he comes through that door." "He's not here," cried Peter, des- perate fear clutching at her heart. "I was watching—I saw him go through that door," sneered the killer. "If you should think of shouting I just wouldn't try, or it'll be too bad for you." The door swung open and into the property-room moved the gorgeous figure in the silken kimono, with the dreadful mask over the feature.?. "Regret exceedingly to interrupt iionourable sir," came the purring voice. "I have come to talk business." The mask turned towai-ds the girl. "Sorry, Miss Lady, but Mi-. Trout detained by unavoidable accident." "Oh!" The girl gave a cry of anguish. " You will keep mouth closed imtil I complete business with this gentleman. You come from Donovan?" "Sure. Got the money?" "As you say in your most charming idiom—sure." Hands came out of the silken kimono, and one held a great wad of notes, which Williams reached out to seize. "No. First please, tlie Dragon." Williams dived into his pocket and brought out a handkerchief, from which he extracted the diamond. The glitter- ing gem he passed over, but all the while he kept his g\in pointing at the Oriental. The money was handed to him. Wil- liams flipped the thick wad of notes. "Looks okay to me." He pointed his gun at Peter. "This dame, she knows too much. We should fix her so she won't talk." "Very simple matter," purred the soft voice. "Give me your gun—I fix her." Without hesitation Williams passed over his gun, and Peter was about to scre<Tm in terror as the Chinaman pointed it at her. But when Williams' greedy eyes were fixed on the notes the gun suddenly changed its direction. "Give mo back that money!" Williams looked up and saw (he pun covering him. "Why, you dirty rat, I'll " "Give back the money!" The voice behind the death mask had changed. "Make it snappy, or I'll kill you like you did Van Mier and Donovan." Thoroughly cowered, Williams handed back the money, and then a strong, lean hand wont up tc the death mask and re- moved it. (Continued on page 26)