Breakfast club family album (1942)

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'IWV*ite*VV| A BRIDE'S PRAYER “Oh, Father, my heart is filled with a happiness so wonderful that I am almost afraid. This is my wedding day, and I pray Thee that the beautiful joy of this morn¬ ing may never grow dim with years of regret for the step which I am about to take. Rather, may its memories become more sweet and tender with each passing anni¬ versary. “Thou has sent to me one who seems all worth of my deepest regard. Grant unto me the power to keep him ever true and loving as now. May I prove indeed a help¬ mate, a sweetheart, a friend, a steadfast guiding star among all the temptations that beset the impulsive hearts of men. Give me skill to make the home the best loved place of all. Help me to make its lights shine farther than any glow that would dim its radiance. Let me, I pray Thee, meet the little misunderstandings and cares of my new life bravely. Be with me as I start on my mission of womanhood and stay Thou my path from failure. Walk Thou with us even to the end of our jour¬ ney, hand in hand down the highway to the Valley of Final Shadow, which we will he able to lighten with sun¬ shine of good and happy lives. Amen.” (Author Unknown) NUTHIN' TO LEAVE BEHIND Some people boast of wealth or fame, Yet they had nuthin’ when they came; Never had any more clothes than me, Just added one to the Family-Tree. 1 Then 1 had nuthin’ to trade and sell, I held my own and done right well; My store of wealth has been my Mind, I’ve got nuthin’ to leave behind. Though stocks and bonds go up and down, Or all the banks close up in town; They can’t disturb my peaceful rest, No burglars rouse me from my nest. I know there’s nuthin’ I could lose But just a pair of worn-out shoes. When I balance up my book I’ll find I’ve got nuthin’ to leave behind. Now in worldly goods I must confess A man like me can’t stand success; For financial wealth I do not care, I’d not feel safe a millionaire; There’s too much income tax to pay. That’s why I spend mine every day. When I pass through the Golden Gate They’ll never fuss over my Estate. If I get three square meals per day, That’s all I could ask for anyway; And when I reach Glory I will share The same service as a millionaire. Though many days I don’t earn a dime, Just peckin’ away and killin’ time; From my last invoice here I’ll find, Nuthin’ to take nor leave behind. — George B. Dooley, Lawrenceburg, Term. Escort: How about sleeping in a circular bed. Then i can’t get out on the wrong side in the morning.