Brief for the United States (1914)

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I 'ART IV. 29 In a case with the same title, r('j)()rtr(l in S4 Fed., 22(), District Judge Cox said the same coniljination : 'I'lie conijdainant w as created solely to effectuate tlie purpose of the combination, the patent in suit heiniz; transfcn-ed as part of the unhnvful seiieine. See also ()[)ini()n of Circuit ยป]udge Acheson, same title (76 Fed., 667, 669). Part IV. OUTLINE OF PETITION AND GENERALLY CONCERNING THE FACTS. 1. The defendants, (Pet, pp. -2-5.) There are 11 corporation and 11 individual defendants. Eight of the corporations are manufacturers, producers and impoi'ters of positive motionl^icture films ; two individuals, George Kleine and Gaston Melies, are importers of films; the Motion Picture Patents Co. (hereafter termed the Patents Co.), a company holding patents assigned to it by four of the other coi'poration defendants and issuing so-called licenses thereunder; the General Film Co., the common distributing agency used by the 10 manufacturers and organized and owned by theni ; and the Armat Moving Picture ^lachine Co., a company wliich assigned certain patents to the Patents Co., comprise the remaining three cor