Brief for the United States (1914)

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PART rv. 33 $1 ()(),()()( ),()()() li;is Imm'H invested in the (litTerent hranelies of the husi ness. [Counsel fortlie ( ioxcrnnient (dTered in evidence a l)(>(>k entitled " Motion Pietnres: I low 'I1ie\' Are Made and Worked " ( (J(>\ t. 2()<S ) , h\ l^'r* dei'iek A. Talbut, English eoi-respondent for ]') yeai's of ihv Scientific American, and antlior of artich^s ])rinted in tliat niapizine and in the I>ritish Joni-nal of Pliotoi^raphy ndating to the nioti()n-])ieture art (YI, 3328, fol. 2), the offer being for the purpose of having readily available for use as a reference by the court and eounsel a standard ]iist(iry and description of the motion-picture art/' (VI, 3330, fol. 3.) For the same purpose there was introduced a book entitled Romance of Modem Photography/' by Charles R. Gibson. (VI, 3336, fol. 4.)] 3. Sifuafio)) jtrior to the formntion of the Patents Co, (Pet., pp. 7-9.) In 1908 there were 10 producers, manufacturers, or importers of positive films, all engaged in selling and shipping their films to exchanges scattered throughout the United States ; the latter in turn distributing the films to exhibitors all over tlii^ country. There were at that time some 125 to 150 rental exchanges and 6,000 or more exhibitors in the United States. In this commerce in positive films the manufacturers at that time competed with each other for 64717—14 4