Brief for the United States (1914)

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I'Altl" IV. .Sf) S(>Ii<^ I *(>l vsc()|)(' ('(>.,( 1n('at;u, an I lliiiois corpora1 i< >ii. X'ilaiAi'apli (\k n\' A iiici'ica, I Brooklyn, \. W, ;i Now Yovk corjxH'al ion. llicsc |)r(Kln('('rs of ))().sil ixc ninx ini^-picl nrc films were cn^'ai^cd in sliipinni; and disl rihnt ini;tlicii' Minis 1 liron^lionl the Tnilcd States lo the rental ex('liani'"es, oi' whicli, as stated ahoxc, there Avere between 125 and l')0 in the connti-y. These rental exchanges, in tnrn, distributed the lilnis to the thousands of exhibitors, and in so doing were engaged in interstate commerce, as practically every rental exchange had many customers located in other States than the State in which the rental exchange was situated. 4. The pla)i of combination — Allegations of unlawful intent. , (Pet, pp. 1)-10.) ' In the year 1908 the defendants determined to ; destroy competition between them, to monopolize ! commerce relating to the motion-picture art, particularly the commerce in positive films, to exclude all others, and thereafter to carry on said commerce I according to the terms of the unlaw-f ul combination wdiich they Avere to create. Briefly stated, the combination was to take the following form : They were to organize a company which should do no business and hold no property other than certain letters patent which were to be transferred to it by the de