Brief for the United States (1914)

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pAirr IV. 37 ])r (lest rnycd, who should i-ciiiain ;in cxhihitor .-ind who shoidd close his 1 hc-ilcr, who shoidd in the riiturc ojK'ii i\ new mot ion-j del II !•(' ihcalcr ;nid who shoidd he harrcd froin so doini;-. The intent of (h'fciuhmts in forndni;' the new eoin)).iny and in entei*iiig into the license aj^'i'ccnients was to control, rest I'ain, and monopolize all branches of commerce among' the States of tlie Tinted States and with foreign nations relating to the mot ion-[dctni'e art, and to exclnde others therefrom. 5. Foiiiuttion of Patents Co. — Meetiufj of December IS, 1,008, ((() Formation of Patents Co. (Pet., ]). 10.) The company was incorporated September 9, 1908, nnder the law\s of Xew Jersey, capital stock $100,000. The articles of incorporation declared the purposes of the company as follows : The objects for which this corporation is formed are to acquire, by purchase, lease, pa^^nent of royalties, or otherwise, letters patent, inventions, and improvements in materials, processes, and apparatus relating to the production of negatives and positives f(U' motion pictures, and also relating to the photographing, developing, reproducing, ])rojecting, and exhibiting of scenes and objects at rest and in motion ; to mortgage, sell, lease, dispose of, by agreement or otherwise, such letters patent, licenses under letters ])atent, and improvements, and to license others to use the inventions covered by the said letters