Brief for the United States (1914)

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40 PART IV. 2. Biograph Co. (Ex. 1 to Ans. of Biograph Co.; Margin, I, 12, fol. 3.) 3. Amiat Moving Picture Machine Co. (Ex. 1 to Ans. of Annat Co. ; Marvin, I, 12, fol. 3.) 4. Vitagraph Co. of America (Govt. Ex. 5, I, 16; Marvin, I, 12, fol. 3.) These agreements are identical as to all essential features, except, of course, that they assign different patents. Each of the patents assigned by the four agreements is described elsewhere in this brief. (Infra, 83-85.) Analysis of agreements for assignment of patents. After reciting that the Edison Co. owns Reissues Letters Patent Xos. 12037 (camera patent) and 12192 (negative film patent) and that the Edison Co. desires to acquire $50,000 of the $100,000 authorized capital stock of the Patents Co., in consideration of the assignment of the patents last named, and after further reciting that the Patents Co. has acquired or will acquire certain patents (naming them) from the Vitagraph Co. of America, Biograph Co., and the Armat Co., and that the Patents Co. contemplates deriving royalties of three kinds — (1) from manufacturers of projecting machines licensed under the patents by the Patents (U). (nuicliine royalties), (2) from exhibitors, for th(» use of ])rojecting machines licensed under tlie ])atents hy the I^atents Co. (exhibitors' royalties), and (3) froiii inaiiiifacturci-s and importers