Brief for the United States (1914)

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r.MM i\. 45 cIikUmI with the Moti(Ui IMrtiirc l*atents Co. a license n!j:reein('nt, each license heini; practieally identical with cNcry other license. TIk hrms of these Jieense a(/r('( hk h(s hud hccn del < rni 'ni( d at moHC rolls ( (irlicr con fcreHccs hcl/rccH defendants. Each agreement reji;ulate(l in every detail the manner ill which eacli iiiaiiufactiirer should do business, Avliich was to ])e the same for all tlie manufacturers. Kach ai^reement licensed the manufacturer to manufacture and use moving-picture cameras embodying the inventions of the patents, and to manufacture, print, and produce positive motion pictures embodying the inventions of said reissued letters patent No. 12192 {ne(j(dive fihn jxitent), and to Joase the same in the United States * * These agreements were licenses under the camera and film patents and are to be distinguished from the licenses to the manufacturers of exhil)iting machines to be later described. A copy of the license agreement dated December 18, 1908, between the Motion Picture Patents Co. and the Biograph Co., is printed as a part of the petition, marked " Exhibit 3.^^ (See also I, 23.) This agreement is substantially identical with the eight other license agreements executed on the same day. (Admitted Ans. Pat. Co., fol. 334.) The agreement, after enumerating 14 patents owned by the Patents Co., stating all of which said letters patent relate to i)u prorenieiifs in the motion-picture art (pet., p. 53), and after re