Brief for the United States (1914)

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I'Aitr IV. r,7 ( i> ) The ('\('li;ni^(' sli;i 1 1 not sell oi'c.xliihit licrnscfl mot inii-)>i('t iircs, but shall only suhlct the same, •,\]\(\ only \i) ('xliil)itoi-s who shall cxcl usi xcly exhibit licensed mot ion-| )iet n res. (('(nulition 15.) (4) The exehan^'e shall not sel I, rent , oi* ot liei-wise (lis])()se of any licensed mot ion-| )ict n I'es to any j)ersoii en,i;*ai;*e(l in sellinii; or rentinu' mot ion-pict ni'e tihns. (Condition (h) (")) Tlie exdiant>'e shall not sell or dispose of molion-[)ictnivs to any person in the exhibition business who may have violated any of the conditions impos(^l by the licensoi* thr()ni>ii any ot its licensees and of wliieli violation the licensee may liave liad notiec^ ( (Condition 10.) (6) The exchange shall not sublet licensed motion-pictnres to any exhibitor unless a contract with said exhibitor satisfactory in form to the licensor — i. e., the Patents Co. — is first executed, and unless each motion-picture t)rojecting machine on which the licensed motion-pictures are to be used by such exhibitor is regularly licensed by the Motion Picture Patents Co., and the license fees therefor have been paid. (Conditions 11 and 12.) The license fee is $2 a week on every projector owned hy the exhibitor. (7) The licensee or rental exchange is required to mail to the Patents Co. a list, giving the name of each exhibitor supplied with pictures by the rental exchange. (Condition 12.) The rental exchanges thereafter were not allowed to supply the same exhibitors; the latter were apportioned among the