Brief for the United States (1914)

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I'AHT IV. 71 ( I) I'lic ;iu rcciiiciil sIi.mII continiic imiil Aiii^ii^t l!)!!), the (L'ltc of llic cxpii'iit i(»n (»!' llic Latliaiii I(»(>1» " palcnl. No. 707, !k; 1. ( T.-ir. 12. ) The a'^'i'cciiK'iil st;!t<'s llic niiniiiiniii nimilx-i" of reels which 1 he (Jeiiernl ('o. agrees to take, as well as the iiiaxiimiiii which i1 may he obliged to reeei\'e. A/I('(j(it ions of jx'h'lioH s((ni ui(iriz( (I. (Pet., p. :\:>.) In all their actions defendants have been actuated by the purpose to monopolize all ))rancbes of interstate and foreio^n commerce relating to the motion])icture art and to exclude all otbers therefrom. As a means to that end they organized the Motion Picture Patents Co., a Xew Jersey corporation. 1'he petition sunnnarizes the charges made by compkiinant (Pet. XII, pp. 35-38) : Not satisfied with the benefit of the lawful monopolies and rights belonging to them uudca* the several hitters patent, which they separately and independently of each other owned, defendants coveted the unhiwful pow(^r which would couk^ to them if they combined all ])at(^uts in one ownership. Defendants formed a combination of patc^nts as one of the methods for monopolizing interstate and foreign commerce ])ertaining to the motionpicture art.