Brief for the United States (1914)

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I'Aur V. 75 ci'al b'iliM Cn. arc not all<»\\'c(l to display the lihns (){' the in(lei>en(lenl nia nu I'act n I'ci's. I ndcpciMlenl exchan<j,*es ai'e cut olT fi'oin haiidlinn" the lihii <»!' t h(; 10 I *atents ( 'o. licenses, and iiKh'pcndcnt exhil)itoi's and t heater owners can not obtain t'< uexhibit ion in their theaters the pictures (d* tiie Patents ij). licensees. 14. 71/r /ira/fcr. The relief asked is similar to that prayed for and granted in the so-ealled '^Bathtub Trust,'' " Tobacco Trust," and Harvester " cases, and is framed with a view to effectively destroy the existing" combination, to remove the undue obstructions to conmierce, and to restore nonual conditions in the trade. (Pet., pp. 39-42.) Paet V. CONCERNING THE DEFENSE— THE ANSWERS. There is no controversy as to the essential facts. The defendants admit the execution of the various agreements described in the petition, the accuracy of the summaries of those agreements contained in the petition and largely set out in this brief, and the enforcement of the provisions of the license agreements. They stoutly deny all manner of intent to obstruct the free flow^ of commerce. We take issue with them on the question (^f intent. However, as we point out elsewhere in tliis brief, (Pai-t XIV), the Supreme Court of the United