Brief for the United States (1914)

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I'AKT VII. 107 The Court of Appc'ils Ii;is t w icc rcpiidiiited the clninis of Mdisoii tli;il lie is the creator of llic in(>\ iiii;-pi('l lire ;irt, niid li.'is limited liis j)nt('n1 to liis own ])<M!'ti('iilai' fonn of apparatus. 'I'lie same court has also decided that our apparatus does not infringe the Edison patent. A\'e stand absolutely independent and protected by our own patents. AVe have larcjely increased our capacity and are prepared to regularly supply our own films and the films of the best foreign manufacturers in any quantity. AVe will, at our own expense, ])rotect our customers from any fonn of ])atent persecu, tion in connection with film supplied by us. Edison can not obtain an injunction against any renter or exhibitor for the reason that his film patent has not been adjudicated, and a decision can not be obtained in less than two years. H. N. Mar^^x. J. J. Kennedy. Examined as to the statement, Mr. Martin stated (I, 123, fol. 1) : Q. You would not make any such statement, woidd you, unless you believed that wdiat you Avere stating was the truth A. I think not. Q. When did you change your mind, and wdiat caused you to change your mind f A. I don't just remember when my mind changed on those facts.