Brief for the United States (1914)

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168 PAET IX. The witness, who met Church on several occasions (II, 1031, fol. 2), testified (II, 1032, fol. 1) : Q. Now, what, if an}i:hing, did Mr. Church say at any time that you had a conversation with him in relation to the bringing of the replevin suits by the licensed manufacturers or by the Motion Picture Patents Co. ? A. Well, the gist of his conversation was that these things were being brought mostly to scare the people engaged in the business around through the country. ^ * * j recollect one particular remark that he made, and that was that the Motion Picture Patents Co. figured that they won out even if they lost a suit on account of the publicity that they got through the suit; that the bringing of the suit was heralded broadcast, but that the termination of them — that they never knew what happened. ^ -jf * * Q. State whether or not Mr. Church said anything about the source of the funds which were being used to bring these suits. A. I believe I remarked about it costing them an awful lot of money to keep this litigation up, and the remark was made by him that the exhibitors were paying for it. Q. Now, this Mr. Church was ]\[r. Durant Church, wlio was present in the court room yesterday ? A. Yes, sir. Q. At thes(^ liearings? A. Yes, sir.