Brief for the United States (1914)

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I'AI{I 100 (j). AikI siltiiiLi ;ili»i]L;si(l< of tin (IctViid.•1 Ills' (MM! use I llCl'c A. ^^'s, sir; I know the Lccnl l('iii;ni very well. rriiis testimony stands iincnnt radictcd : I)ni-;m1 Cliurcli, altli()ii<;-li in the employ (d* (hd'ciidaiits, was not made a witness to deny the eon\'ersat ion. i On eross-exannnation eonnsel Tor dcd'endants pnt in sonK^ of tlie lettei's hetwTon the Patents Co. and Clapliam wlneJi emphasize the arl)itrary character of defendants' condnct. Under date of Febrnary 4, 1910, they denied tlie viij^ht of Clapham to sell the tilms which he liad bonght ontright before the Patents Co. was organized ; that is, before thejeasing system was inangnrated. (Clapham, IT, 1044, fols. 2-4.) On Febrnary 8th they canceled his license before he had received their letter of the 4th in which they had demanded a prompt answer. (II, 1047, fol. 2.) WILLIAM DEVERY, 12 years in the motion-pictnre bnsiness in New York City as an exhibitor and exchange man. (II, 832, fol. 4.) In :\rarch, 1908, his bnsiness was incorporated as the Imperial Film Exchange with its principal office in Xew Y^ork City and branch offices in Washington, D. C, and Troy, N. Y. (II, 833, fol. 1), having respectively 100, 40, and 65 cnstomers (II, 834, fol. 2). The business in tihns is the most important part of the rental exchange business. (II, 833, fol. 2.)