Brief for the United States (1914)

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PART IX. 17!^ we (lid, we would li.ixc ;i lot ot* discontented riKMi throiiLclioiit the eoiintry. We assured tliem that we wei-e u'oinu" to li\(' up to schedule and i>ay everybody in accordance with the sclicdule, and we will do the same l)y you as was done hy e\'ei*\l)ody else. That is fair and s(|uare, and you lia\'e not any l<ick coming as long as wimIo that." I said," Do yon mind telling me h()w nnich 1 am entitled to under this schedule.^'' He took I'rom his poeket a memorandum, and w^ent into it as to the amount of customers, and so fortli, and finally lie compiled some tigures about last week's films purchased, 90 per eent of it returned, a whole lot of mixed-up figures. And he said, In my opinion, we could pay you $89,000." (See also II, 683, fol. 3./ I said, Mr. Kennedy, I am aw^fully sorry. I am much obliged for your oft'er. You know I did not come here from my ow^n free will. I was sent for by Mr. AVaters, who just told me that this is the right time for me to sell out. If it was not for that, I would not come up at all. I don't w^ant to sell my plant. I want to remain in business. I have helped build the motion-picture business. I have helped exhibit it in such a way that it was a credit to the business itself; I have strived and worked hard, and I am wrapped up in the ai*t of the business, and I want to remain in it. And so long as you do not cancel my license and say that there is no trouble about my license being canceled, I am much obliged for the offer, and I will run along.'' He said, You don't have to