Brief for the United States (1914)

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I'Ain i\. 185 fi-om the Krri-('S ('(>., .-ind I have wnys )>;ii(l my ( thl i^nt i( >ii<, .-ilways dojic wliat I )><>ssil)Iy could jo show prcrcrciicc to your ('()inj)aiiy, when the iiiai'kct was open and wlicn prcrcrciicc could he shown, and I tliink 1 liavc <;•()! a claim on your l*ricndshi|). I ask you hccausc of j):ist husiiicss t'riciidslii)) and rclat ioiislii]) to assist mc and help nic and liavc niy ])iisincss rcstorc(L" lie said, Fox, now I will talk pretty plain to yon. I do like yon, and >'ou arc a pretty nice fellow. I aiiTt i^oin.ii," to heat around the bush at all." He said, " Yon know that T am one of th(^ executive committee of the General Film Co., and I do not mind telling you that your exchange is in the w^ay of the General Fihn Co. * The General Film Co. was created for the purpose of absorbing all of the rental business, and it has absorbed all of the rental business. You are the only man on the outside. Xow^, \\Q left you for the last, because we all were friendly inclined, just because you have been a good boy all this wdiile and before that. You have had numerous friends in our organization, and we have all stuck by you. Xow% you have got to go with the rest of them. AYe were organized to C(nitrol the business and monopolize it, and we are going to monopolize it. And you have got to get out of the way. ^ ^ * j hav(^ it put before me every day of the wTek that our customers can not be advanced in ])rice because of this, WT know^ they are going to become customers of the Greater New^ York