Brief for the United States (1914)

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but willioiit llic lidj) <>t' iJci-st, of Fivrcs, .-111(1 I\ocIx, of llic \' i1 ;iLii-;i j )li ('o. (TT, 1091, fol. :'>.) Mlicsc men sent liiiii 1.. the Patents Co. He asked I.. Dyci and Dwi^lit MacDonald why tlicy slopped selliiiL:, liiin i^oods. Dyei* told liini that MacDoiiald woidd ^-ive him all the information that was necessary. The witness testified: Q. That \vas ^[r. Dyer's answer to you? A. Yes, sir; and ]\lr. MacDonald he comes around in some time and say, What T can do for you ? " And I said, Like to find out what reason why you not sell me any goods, ' ' and he said, No reason whatever; we are not compelled to give you any reason," and We don't like you,'' and We will not sell you any goods," and that was the answer of Mr. MacDonald. Q. Did you stay there or do anything further in order to get films ? A. I did stay there, and I said, I can't get away from this office if you people will not sell me any goods. I really feel that I will not be able to make a living, and will get ruined," and they said, We don't care for you, and don't listen to you," and If you don't get away from this office we will call an officer and throw you out." (II, 1095, fols. 1, 2.) Karson had been doing a successful and profitable business in Philadelphia up to the date of the cancellation of his license. (II, 1093, fol. 3.) He paid his bills promptly (II, 1095, fol. 4), buying prin