Brief for the United States (1914)

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I'.MM I\. 201 In 11)10 S\v;i;il) \v;is l.-ikiim" t'ro'ii to siMOO per week {){' Mini I'l'oni llic licensed ni;i nn I'.'iet n I'ers. His (Mnnpany was |)r()S|)er<)ns. (11, SOf), fol. 3.) 1'lie tlii'ee otliei" lieensed exelianires were IxHiL^^lit by the (leiieral Film (\k ( II, i'ni. :;. ) After tliis one of Patlie's salesmen eame to Pliiladelpliia and asked Swaab why he did not eall on P>erst, of the Pathe Co. (TL 811, fol. ?>.) Soon afterwards SAvaab saw Berst at the latter's offiee in Xew York and was sent by Berst to see Waters, of the Oenei-al Film Co. (II, 812, fol. 3.) Mr. Swaab testified (II, 813, fols. 1, 2, 4 ) : He asked me if I w^antcd to sell my bnsi * ness and I answered, ^ * yes. ' ' He then called Mr. Kennedy from an adjoining room and introduced me. ^ * * * * Mr. Kennedy stated that lie eonld not make his estimate there, because it was Patents Co. business. He did not suppose that the Patents Co. would object if he would look over their records, and he and ^Ir. Waters and myself went to 80 I'iftli Avenue, the Patents Co. office, and there they examined the records of what I had ])urchased. ^ * * * ^ Mr. Kennedy and Mr. Waters took the records from the Patents Co. and went into an adjoining room, leaving me in the outer office, and they finally returned and made me a proposition to buy my ]^lace.