Brief for the United States (1914)

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PABT IX. 203 the Patents Co. T\w letter rwidfc 88 follows (Govt.'s Ex. 152 A ; TT, 819, M. 4 ) : Deckmber 21; 1910. Dear Sir: We have received Cvidenee of your violation of the conditions of our exclian^e license to you, in that you have leased or otherwise supplied licensed motion pictures to others for subrental, which is a violation of sections 3 and 6 of the exchange license, and that vou have violated section 12 of said conditions by supplying licensed motion pictures to an exhibitor and failing to supply the name and location of the place of exhibition. Before taking final action on these violations we wish to give you an opportunity to explain or present any excuse you may have to offer as to why your license should not be canceled, and you are therefore requested to call at this office on Tuesday, December 27. Please advise us by return mail if you intend to call, and at what hour. Yours, truly, MoTiox Picture Patents Company, By W. P. Swaab at once replied that he would call on December 27. (II, 820, fol. 4.) The witness testified that he had not leased licensed motion pictures to others for subrental, but had done his best to live up to all the terms of the license agreement. He called at the office of the Patents Co., December 27, and saw Margin, but the latter gave him no opportunity to be heard. Swaab thus described the interview (II, 822, fol. 4) :