Brief for the United States (1914)

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PART IX. 205 The witness said ( II, SL> 1, lol. 1 ) : I iicNcr \i()Iat('(l the terms oi* eoiidltions, j and I nexcr was L;iven a lieariiiiz; except the , one I lia\'e just I'eferi'ed to, when the license a^'i'eenient was read to me Wi^vd I'or woi'd, bnt T never had an ()])poi*tn]iity to defend myself. Mr. Swaah described liow 10 rei)levin suits were started January 24, 1911 (TT, 824, fol. 2) : Four men r(4)resentin<i; tlie Patents Co. • and four deputy sheriffs came dowu and took charge of my place. Put me out of business in about three hours. One Coffey, by name, went behind the counter and handc^d the ' reels across to one Church, who laid them aside as his property, as the property of the Patents Co. Durant Church is connected with the Patents Co. here in New York City. He had a record of the Patents Co. showing the titles of the diiferent films, and they just took charge of an}i;hing they wanted. Swaab contested the replevin suits, and at the \ time he testified (Mar. 1, 1913) had recovered a verdict for $1,800 in his favor against Lubin. (II, 826, fol. 4.) Recalled on April 7, 1914, Swaab testified (YI, 3364) that in the Yitagraph case the jury, after a trial lasting five days, rendered a verdict in his favor for $20,424 against the Yitagraph \ Co. This was one of the replevin suits respecting ' which he testified on direct examination. (II, 824, fol. 3.) He also stated that none of the other suits has yet been brought to trial.