Brief for the United States (1914)

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PART I\. 207 had been canceled. Thcv stojjpcd iiis supply immediately (I, iUO, I'ol. 1 ), altliou^li he had doue business with t hem 10 yeai's. Swaiison described his elTorts to I'eiiistated. He said (I, :U0, fol. :i) : I left Chicago the (hiy follow iii<i; the reC(Mpt of the a])()ve-menti()ned telegram, to come to New Yoi'k. I ])roceeded to the Motion Picture Patents Co.'s office, No. 80 Fifth Aveinie, and tliere met Mr. MacDonald, and discussed the matter of the cancellation with him. * ^ * i stated to ]\Ir. MacDonald that I had been notified that I would no longer receive the supply , of licensed film, and I had been notified to that effect by telegraph and I wanted to know the reason why. That all of my offices had been canceled. He said he was not at liberty to give me any reason; in fact, he did not know, except that they did not want to do any business with me any further ; and I spent perhaps an hour or an hour and a half with ]\[r. j\lacl)onald, and that was about the only response that I could get from Mv. MacDonald on the matter. ^ ^ * In Adew of the fact that simultaneously with their notifying me by telegraph of my cancellation they likewise notified all of my customers (having had a rule, as they did, that each exchange was compelled to give them a list of its customers supplied by them) and they likewise telegraphed my customers that I had been shut off from supply, and it finally had the effect of putting me out of business entirely.