Brief for the United States (1914)

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I 'A 1(1 IX. 209 in n(>t('S, cash, .-iikI ) n'dVi-i'cil stock for liis business. ( \' I, :;:j(;7, fols. -j. :\.) Weiss, hecnnie branch nianau'ei" for the (Jen era I h'i hn ('(>., described i he met hods of c(»nij)et it i<»n eni|)Ii)ye(l by that company a,i;"a.inst itsoidy i-emainin<; competitor in the exchani;"e business — the Chvater New Voi'k Film K^ental ( 'o. 3368, fob 2) : We liad instructions from the home office, in case the Greater New York had a customer in a certain neighborhood and we served the opposition customers witli (ieneral Film service, to give to our customers a brand new service, not charging any extra money for it, and f urnisli that service so long until we had the Greater New York customer in our offices. * * * ^Ye gave a better program for the same j^rice to such a customer than we did to our other customers. ■3f ^ -X That policy was not adopted in any places where there was not competition with the Greater New York Film Rental Co. FRED C. AIKEN, witness for defendants, now special representative of the General Film Co., but up to June, 1910, president and general manager of the Theater Film Service Co. of Chicago, 111. (lY, 2329, fol. 3), testified that his exchange was doing fairly well in June, 1910, at which time he accepted an offer made to him by J. J. Kennedy. (V, 2561, fol. 2.) He was making a comfortable G4717— 14 15