Brief for the United States (1914)

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PAHT IX. 211 CHARLES W. BOYER, in I)(T(Mnl)('r. owned two tlicntci's ill ( 'llalnl)('l^sl)Ul•t,^ Pa. (II, lOlfi.j Folio wiii<;' an ('xliil)it i(»n at one house of Pilgrim 's Progress ( I I, 1022, I'ol. 1 ) and " Ilonier's Odyssey(II, 1021, fol. 2), unlicensed films, lie was notified both houses would be canceled unless he used in both only licensed tilnis and projeetinji; machines. (II, 1022, fol. 4; 1020, fol. 2.) EDGAR THORP, in August, 1911, operated the Orph(umi Theater at Titusville, Pa. (II, 1082, fol. 4.) In answer to strong popular demand for special features," he requested this service of the General. (II, 1084, fol. 3.) They had nothing further to offer.'' (II, 1085, fol. 4.) He then exhibited the unlicensed Burning of Rome " and " Coronation of King George was notified ^' We will undoubtedly cancel your license if a thing of this kind happens again " (II, 1085, fol. 4) ; and five days later was canceled (II, 1087, fol. 1). WILLIAM J. ANDERSON, Philadelphia, Pa., exbiting in June, 1910, at his own theater and at churches and clubs, was suddenly cut off from licensed film and his business almost put an end to,'' because he showed some films he had bought outright before the formation of the Patents Co. (II, 861.) Eeinstatement permitted the use of only licensed films. (II, 862, fol. 1, 865.) In 1909 he had