Brief for the United States (1914)

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PA HI IX. 215 fully in\('st ii^atc the conditions picx'ailin^ tlu'i'c, in acccn'dancc with our |)olicy, and afford you all the protection j)ossil)lc in this I'espect. Youi's very truly, Motion Picture Patents Co. Another printed letter is this (I, 1()L>, fol. 4; 10:^ fol. 1) : Dear Sir: Your letter at liaiul, in wliicli you ask for the return of your initiation fee for license. AVe regret to say, that in this instance, as per our formal notification, you were accepted as a licensee, your money applied to license and deposited in the bank * and for the period you had all the advantages of any licensee. Under the circumstances we can not grant your request. Yours very truly. Motion Picture Patents Co. For furtlier evidence of cancellations of theaters see letters of the Patents Co. to the Greater New York Film Rental Co. (I, 449-473.) 3. Replevin suits — Other aets. One of the favorite means of intimidating the trade employed by the defendants was the replevin suit. They brought hundreds of these suits against exhibitors and rental exchanges. A list of reple^in suits, six pages in length, is printed in the record at VI, 3341. Many of these suits are referred to in the extracts from the circulars to the rental exchanges and the exhibitors which we have printed elsewhere in this brief.