Brief for the United States (1914)

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PAHl IX. 219 t'ol. i^) Swansoii tcstifiod that S('li<^^ Klciiic, and S{)ooi' told him at the I^cpiihlicaii (1ul) in Xcw York, at the time of the January meeting, that they had hukU' ai'i'ant^ernents witli the I^astnian Kodak Co. to ^et tlie exehisive use ot* the Kastnian stock, and that a competitor would have but very little chance entering the field. (I, 307, fol. 2.) 4. Circnhfrs to rental e.rc/uDifjes and < jcliiljitors. The Patents Co. has issued many circulars to rental exchanges and exhibitors, which illustrate the manner in which the combination works and how all the oppressive restrictions are invariably enforced. These circulars sent broadcast to all exchanges and exhibitors contain the names of many excllanges and exhibitors who have been cut off from supplies of film, the purpose of the notice being to warn others not to deal with those thus cut off. In this respect the circulars are like those declared unlawful in the most recent decision of the Supreme Court under the Sherman Act, Eastern Betail Lumber Dealers' Assoc. v. United States, 234 U. S., 600. (a) Extracts from circulars of the Patents Co. to excllanges. (Jan. 9, 1909, I, 29-34.) The following was the notice the Patents Co. sent out when it commenced doing business and required exchanges to sign the so-called exchange license. To the Film Rental Exchanges: The Motion Picture Patents Co. has been incorporated for the purpose of taking over, and has ac