Brief for the United States (1914)

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228 (/>) Kxolinni^'cs w ill he pci-init trd to siiMr.isc lilin only I'oi* use in the United States and its 'I'crritories, and will not he permitted to sublease tlieni for use in ('aiiada, Mexico, .-md other foi'eiLrn eountri(^s. ^ » « « « (e) Under the new a,i;*reeinent no distinction is made between an exchange and a ))raneh. A license agreement will be necessary for each ])lace of business ot)erating as an exchange, and no exchange is to establish a branch or any new ])lace of business unless the regular license agreement is first signed for the new exchange and acce])ted by the Patents Co. By this means all controversy as to \vhat constitutes a branch and who is responsi])le for it will be avoided, and faihire to meet the requirements of the conditions of the license for one exchange will not necessarily jeopardize the license for any otlier exchange. Each exchange or branch will be required to purchase $2,500 worth of film per month for direct shipment to its office. This change is intended to eliminate insignificant offices wdiich have been used heretofore simply as an outlet for worn-out films. (/) If anijoue wishes to oj)en a new office, it will he 7iecessary to apply to the Motion Picture Patents Co. for a li^cense, and that company will determine wdiether or not the new office would be beneficial to the whole trade and will accordingly grant or refuse the license. [Italics ours.] Mr ^ ^ ^ <t (h) Xo mininuuu schedule has been incorporated in the new agreement, although it is contemplated that such a schedule will, in the near future, be established wiien the exchanges have adjusted them