Brief for the United States (1914)

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I'AIM IX. 225 oi' aiiv ol' llicsc palclits will he isl y prosc; eiited. J.iimary 9, lf)()f). ( iM'h. S, r.M)!>. 1. 17 LIST OF V()1;K LICKXSKI) (U'sroMKIiS. On February (> we mailed to you a list of your customers who have* been licenscnl by us, as complete as the rush of applieatious which we were coni[)elled to handle during the past week peraiitted. We hand you inclosed a list complete to date and beg to advise you that in accordance with our letter of the 5th instant you are to discontinue service to each of your customers whose name does not appear upon this list, unless on or before February 13 such customer has forwarded his application for license to the Patents Co., accompanied by the license fee of $10. •K * * * * We call your attention to the provision in your license agreement with the Patents Co. which requires you to notify us immediately upon taking on any new customers, and w^e require that notice from you for every customer added by you to the inclosed list of licensed customers. ^ ^ •» « « (Feb. 10, 1909, 1, 51.) * * * * * All contracts for service either to old or new customers should be made subject to the condition that the exchange may discontinue the ser\dce upon receiving notice from the Patents Co. that the license 64717—14 16