Brief for the United States (1914)

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PA HI IX. 227 (Mar. liu)!), I, r.-j.) # « # » # All service to licensed cxliihitoi-s must he subject to the exhibitor ])ayiii,i; at the stated jx-riods the royalties required ))y tlie Pateuts Co., and every licensed exclian^'e nnist remain fi-ee to discontinue promptly upon jiotice from tlie Patents Co. tliat the royalties have not been paid. « « # « » (Mar. '20, VMY.), I, ()4-65.) HOVALTIKS FROM KX H 1 BITOHS. The attention of all licensed exchanges is called to Exhibitors' Bulletin Xo. 3, a copy of which is inclosed with this bulletin. On and after April 12 licensed exchanges must not supply service to any exhibitor unless they then have in their possession a duplicate copy of a receipt from the Patents Co. for the license fee of the exhibitor for the period ending ]\lay 1, 1909. Xo statement, explanation, or excuse on the part of the exhibitor may be accepted by a licensed exchange as authority for the supply of film to an exhibitor whose duplicate receipt the exchange does not hold, except the surrender to the exchange by the exhibitor of the original receipt, which must in that case be innnediately forwarded to the Patents Co, This exception is made only fo guard against the possible loss of receipt in transmission through the mails. If neither the exhibitor nor the exchange has received a receipt on April 12, the service must be discontinued on that date.