Brief for the United States (1914)

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I'AiM i\. 229 I The Patents (\>. lias (•.incclcd the I'ollowin^ exchange license agreenieiits fni' the failun' of* tlic exchanges to h'ase tlie (|uantity of lilin tliat exelianges ai'e recjuired to lease montlily under the terms of the exeliange license agreements: American Film Exchange, license for Memphis, Tenn. Harry Davis, license for Pittsburgh, Pa. Harry Davis, license for Philadelphia, Pa. Harry Davis, license for Buffalo, X. Y. * * -jf -jf ^ If an application for a license should, in the interest of other licenses be refused, the exchange supplying service will be notified and shall discontinue service at the end of the week in which it re'ceives such notice. (July 27, 1909, I, 72.) ; DOUBLE SERVICE. On and after August 10 no two exchanges will be permitted to serve the same exhibitor during the same period. Each exchange must give only complete service to any exhibitor. CAXADIAX SHIPMENTS. The attention of exchanges is directed to the following provision of the exchange license agree j ment : I ^^3. The license shall ^ ^ * only sublet such licensed motion pictnres and only for use in the United States and its territories." Shipment of film into Canada is a violation of this provision. j