Brief for the United States (1914)

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r\Ki i\. 2'M I'iints; l)iit ill cxcry ciisc ilir iii.iiici ol' I iccnsinir .1 new cxclia n^'c is decided nii iis merits hy .-dl niaiiii fact iii'ers, .-nid iitlerly rei^n rdless of tlic fact tlial llic old cxcliani;!' does or does ii(»t lease certain makes of lilms or buy certain makes of niacliiiies, or that the })ropose(l new excliaiiuc offei's to lease certain makes of tihns oi* buy certain mal<es of machines. We can not make tlie fact too phiin that, so far as licensed films and macliines are concerned, exchan<i;(\s and theaters are free to exercise their own judgment and to use tlie films and machines tliat they ])refer. (Apr. 23, 1910, I, 77.) The licenses of the followinc; (exchanges have been cahceled for violating the terms of their license agreement relating to the use of licensed film in unlicensed projecting machines and the maintaining of an unlicensed exchange : Miles Bros. (Inc.), Xc^w York City. Miles Bros. (Inc.), Boston, Mass. My. Tom Moore, former manager of the Imperial Film Exchange, of Washington, D. C, has been granted a license to lease licensed film. The new exchange will be known as ^loore's Film Exchange and will be located at -t34 Ninth Street X W., AVasliington, D. C. (Sept. 13, 191L I, 8-2.) Pursuant to paragra])h 20 of your license* agreement, you are hereby notified that the conditions of your license have been changed by the cancellation of paragraph 3 thereof and the substitution therefor of the following :