Brief for the United States (1914)

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j'Ain Ml. I ically llic ('.\liil»il(ir> .-iit 1 in in tcrstatc coinincrcc, for llicy I'cccixc lilni"> from rciit.-il ('\('li;ni,L!,('s I()('iit('<l in ntlici* St.-itcs and return the same. (Jovt. Iv\. ( I, r)2) i;-iv('s a list of IK) cxdianges licensed hy the Patents Co. February IM, HK)9, and Uefendants' Ivx. lOS ( I I F, KiOS) o jvcs a list of 52 ])ranelies oM he ( Jeneral 1^'ilin ( \». on Xoxcnihei' 10, 191:^. It can not be deined that eaeh hraneli <»f the General Film Co. is engaged in interstate eonimeree. The following is a statement taken from the testimony of the different branch managers of the General Fihn Go. who were put on the stand by defendants. It shows the locality in which each of these branches does business ; that is, the territory served by each branch. TERRITORY SERVED BY THE BRANCHES OF GENERAL Fimi COMPANY. (Defts' Ex. 108. Ill, 1()08. Dated Nov. 10, 1913.) lii-am-li Triiitoi-.v sorvcd. Albany Albany and neighboring towns, northern New (III, 1584, f. 2.) York, Vermont, western Massachusetts, down the Hudson River to Poughkeepsie. Atlanta (Georgia, part of Florida, part of Alabama, (TIT, 1 080, f. 2.) eastern Tennesset\ South and North Caro lina. Baltimore City of Baltimore. Some exhibitors in Bal (III, 1585, f. 4.) tiniore are served from Washington and .«!ome served from Philadelphia. Bangor. Me Central Maine down to Portland. Some ex (III, 158H, f. 2.) hibilors in Portland are served from the lioston branch. Boston Western Massachu.setts till it overlai>s the (III, ir>S(J, f. 4. ) Albany territory: southern Maine. New Hampshire, Rhode Island, eastern Connecticut to where it overlaps the New York territory. Buffalo Vround Buffalo as far east as Rochester, (III. 1.587, f. 1.) south to Binghamton, northern Pennsyl vania, eastern Ohio, and I^rie. Pa.