Brief for the United States (1914)

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I'Ald Ml. 249 HiniMli. I.Tiltory m-rv.d Now York 'J'liHH' braiK'lH's. (Jrcat<'r Now York, L-jii^ ( III, ir>l)(5, f. 8.) Isliiiul. wrsln ii ( '(.iiiM'cthMit Inc'liidiiig Uridirrport Watcrlniry, U|) tin* Hud son Kivcr t<» l'<Mi;ilik«'«'|»si«', N»'\vark, N. J., .iiid tlio towns in norllHTn Now JorHey, includinj,' .Inscy City and IIol»ok(Mi. Oklalioniii City. _ ( >l<l:ilioin:i. Also soinr towns in nortliorii ( III, 151)7, f. ].) Toxjis. and some ciistonH-rs in ArkanHaH and Indian Torntory. Oinalm Stato of Nebraska, wrstcrly to tlio territory (III, 1597, f, 2.) ooverod by tho Denver branch. Some ex liibitors in Iowa to tin? territory covered by the Minneapolis branch and downwards. Also customers to tlie Koutli where the territory of the Kansas City branch is met. Phoenix, Ariz Limited territory in Arizona, principally on (III, 15597, f. 4.) the railroad lines from Kl Paso to I>os Anireles. Philadelphia Philadelphia. Southern New Jersey, In (III, 150S, f. 1.) eluding' Trenton, Atlantic City, and the sunnner resorts on tlie Jersey coast. Exliibitors in Delaware down to the eastern shore of Maryland. Westerly toward Ilarrisburj;. northerly toward the Wilkes * Harre branch. Also some customers as far south as Richmond. Va. Pittsburjrh Western Pennsylvania, up into New York (III. 1598. f. 4.) State to the territory covered by the PutTalo branch. Westerly into Ohio, includiufr Youufjstown. Down into West Virfjinia. Also some customers in western Maryland. Portland, Orejr State of Oregon. Northern California out (III, 1509. f. 1.) of reach of the San Francisco branch. southern i)art of Washin.crton below the territory of the Seattle othce. Reiiina, Saskatchewan Dyer does not know, but thinks the territory (III, 1599, f. 3.) "located between Winnipeg and Calgary. Rochester Citv of Rochester. (Ill, 1599, f. 4.) St. Louis St. Louis and thereabouts, eastern Mis.sourl (III. IGOO, f. 2.) into the t;^rritory covered by the Kansas City branch; southerly into Arkansas, including Kentucky and southwestern Illinois and i)art of Iowa. Salt Lake City Salt Lake City. As far south as Montana. (III. 10(M\ f. 3.) cooperating with the Butte branch, and westerly toward Portland and southeasterly toward Denver. San Francisco San Francisco and surroundings, easterly to Stockton, southerly to Los Angeles, and northerly toward the territory of the Portland branch, Seattle Washington north to the Canadian border, (III. 1001. f. 3.) westerly toward Sj^okane. down into Wis consin into the territory covered by the Portland branch. Also customers in Alaska. Spokane Western Washington not covered by Seattle. (Ill, 1601, f. 4.) into Idaho. Western Montana down into northern Wyoming and northeni Utah.